Читання складних числівників. 152 a(one) hundred and fifty- two
101 a(one) hundred and one
152 a(one) hundred and fifty- two
1,001 a(one) thousand and one
2,325 two thousand, three hundred and twenty- five
15,972 fifteen thousand, nine hundred and seventy- two
234,753 two hundred and thirty- four thousand, seven hundred and fifty- three
20 / 83 - twеntу оvеr eigthy- three
22 / 7 - twеntу- twо оvег sеvеn
1/3 –a (one)third, 1/2 –a (one) half, 1/4 –a (one) quarter
21/2- metres (two and half metres =two metres and half)
2/3 – two thirds, 4/5 – four fifths, 8/10 – eight tenths
3/ 462 – three over four- six- two
0.7 - point seven, nought (zero, o) point seven (нуль, крапка,сім)
0.08 - point nought eight (nought point o eight - нуль крапка нуль вісім) (крапка, нуль, вісім)
0.001 - point nought nоught оne, nоught pоint two оes [ouz] one
(нуль, крапка, два нуля, один)
1.02 - one point nought two, one point o [ou] two
4.25 - four point twenty five, four point two five
15.106 - one five point one nought six
1.75 centimetres - one point seven five (seventy five) centimetres
1) 3(rd) January 1985::;
the third of January nineteen eighty- five
2) 4(th) May 1985::;
the fourth of May nineteen eighty- five 4.5.85 or 4.V.85 or 4/5/85
1) January 3, 1985::;
January third, nineteen eighty- five
2) May 4, 1985::; May fourth, nineteen eighty- five 5. 4.85 or 5 /4/85
1900 - nineteen hundred
1905 - nineteen five (nineteen o [ 'ou] five)
1945 - nineteen forty- five
in 1992 - in nineteen ninety- two
1500 B.C. (before Christ),- fifteen hundred B.C. [ 'bi:si: ]
A.D. [ 'eidil:] Anno Domini (lat.) нашої ери
7:00 - seveno'clock
(a.m / p.m.) a.m.- ante meridium(до 12.00)
p.m. post meridium (після 12.00)
8:15 - a quarter past eight
(eight fifteen)
9:45 - a quarter to ten
(nine forty- five)
4:30 - half past four, half four
(four thirty, pозм. half four.)
5:10 - ten (minutes) past five
(five ten)
6:25 - twenty- five minutes past six
(six twenty- five)
6:35 - twenty~five minutes to seven
(six thirty- five)
957 - three minutes to ten
(nine fifty- seven)
2:03 - three minutes past two
(two oh three)
Натомість рast вживається after:
5: 10 - ten after five
5: 15 - a quarter after five
9:30 - nine thirty (частіше ніж half past nine)
of частіше ніж to
7:45 - a quarter of eight
7:55 - five of eight.
Дата добавления: 2015-09-18 | Просмотры: 533 | Нарушение авторских прав
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