VII. Insert Participle I or Participle II of the verbs in brackets. 1. But when I was told the name of my companion my heart sank
1. But when I was told the name of my companion my heart sank. It suggested (close) portholes and the night air rigidly (exclude).
2. Mr. Kelada would have had it all his own way except for a man (call) Ramsay.
3. In five minutes we were in the middle of a (heat) argument.
4. The lad started as if (awake) from some dream.
5. I sat in the corner (watch).
6. She was staring at him with wide and (terrify) eyes.
7. He could see nothing of the room but a chest of drawers roughly (make by a native carpenter.
8. Miss Brown (look) rather unlike herself and (decorate) with a good many cobwebs stood (look) (annoy) in the doorway (hold) a pile of dusty volumes.
9. She advanced with slightly shaky knees, still (peer) forward.
10. He was deeply (impress) by the woman who stood (wait) to receive him now.
11. The music sounded so sweet to his ears that he thought it must be the King’s musicians (pass by). It was really only a little bird (sing) outside his window.
VIII.Explain the law- terms and make up sentences with them.
1).Fair / unfair verdict; 2) to bring in (return) a verdict of guilty; 3) to bring in (return) a verdict of not guilty; 4) arrive at. (reach) a verdict; 5) announce a verdict; 6) sustain a verdict; 7) overturn (quash, set aside) a verdict; 8) appeal a verdict; 9) adverse (unfavorable) verdict; 10) favorable verdict.
Unit 5
Text A. State Structure of Ukraine
Дата добавления: 2015-09-18 | Просмотры: 1202 | Нарушение авторских прав
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