Our University
Odessa State University of Internal Affairs is the leading educational and scientific center of law enforcement tendency in the South of Ukraine.
It was founded in 1995 by the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of the 12- th of December, 1994, №818 and by the Order of Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine of the 20- th of February, 1995, №108.
Our University has its nearly 88 years history and a rich experience of training of specialists for Internal Affairs. Its history can be divided into following stages:
The 1st stage - the foundation of the Internal Affairs Militia School on the 27th of February, 1922. The main aim of militia school was to train junior and senior complement of militia. It 1945 the Militia School was restored. In 1952 the government of the USSR promulgated an edict on reformation of the Militia School into the Militia special high school within the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR.
In 1991 it was subordinated to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine.
The 2nd stage - the foundation of the Militia college. It was created according to the Law of Ukraine “On education” on the 11th of March, 1992.
The 3rd stage - Odessa Institute of Internal Affairs was established in February, 1995 on the basis of Militia College.
The 4th stage – the foundation of Odessa State University of Internal Affairs on the 23d of February, 2008.
Nowadays there are 20 Chairs providing the education.
Every year more than 200 militiamen take part in the improvement of professional skill courses.
8 scientific circles, the club, the musical group, 10 sport sections, two libraries regularly work in the university.
Дата добавления: 2015-09-18 | Просмотры: 685 | Нарушение авторских прав
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