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XV. Make the following sentences interrogative. 1. You must air the room twice a day

  1. Ex. 2. Complete the sentences
  2. Ex.1. Study the following definitions. Make sure you understand them and can reproduce from memory.
  3. Ex.l. Study the following definitions. Make sure you understand them and can reproduce from memory.
  4. Exercise 12. Read and translate the sentences.
  5. Exercise 15. Translate the following sentences. Pay attention to the translation of the verbs in Passive Voice.
  6. III. Read and translate the following words paying attention to the
  7. IV. Discuss the following points.
  8. IV. Discuss the following points.
  9. Read and learn the following words and their equivalents.
  10. Read and translate the text (paragraphs 7, 8 in a written form). Before reading look through and remember the following words and word combinations from the text.

1. You must air the room twice a day. 2. Children must sleep ninehours a day. 3. The pupils must clean their classrooms. 4. She must help her mother about the house. 5. We must read English book every day. 6. Everybody must go in for sports. 7. All children must go to school. 8. You must come to the Universisty in time.

XVI. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian. Pay special attention to the meaning and use of the modal verb must.

1. I must tell somebody, I had to tell somebody. 2. If you don't agree, you must say so. 3. You must be tired. You must go home. 4. I must have known it, you see, I must have been expecting this all the time. 5. Tell me why you gave that money to that school in Africa. You must have had some problem in choosing it. 6.Simon's quite right, you can't expect us to do your homework, you must do it for yourself. 7. He must have told you he wanted to go back. 8. "Oh, no!", Anna said furiously, "oh, no, no, no. You must be joking!" 9. It wasn't an accident, so someone must be responsible. 10. She must think I'm blind or stupid. 11. And I really mustn't leave Sarah alone in this mood for too long. 12. You must give me your address in London. We live in Berkshire, not far out. Perhaps we could meet some time. 13. And tomorrow you must both come to lunch. 14. You must be Miss Hope, the governess I've come to meet.

XVII. Translate into English using the verb must.

A. 1.Учні повинні виконувати домашні завдання. 2. Вона загубила ручку і мусила писати олівцем. 3. Тобі не можна їсти морозива. 4. Я мусив вимкнути телевізор. 5. Ми повинні приходити до школи вчасно. 6. Коли я маю повернути книжку? 7. Нам треба вивчити цей вірш напам'ять? 8. На екзамені вам не можна користуватися словником. 9. Вона сказала, що ми повинні полити квіти. 10. Йому доведеться складати екзамени у серпні.

Б. 1. Його батько, напевно, прокурор. 2. Очевидно, це трапилося вчора увечері. 3. Він, мабуть, зараз готується до екзамену з філософії. 4. Олена, мабуть, захворіла; вона ніколи не пропускає уроків. 5. Він, напевно, знає вашого батька. 6. Він тут уже, мабуть, півтори години. 7. Вони, напевно, все ще обговорюють це питання. 8. У Чернігові, мабуть, іде дощ. 9. Тобі, напевно, холодно, одягни пальто. 10. Вони, напевно, вже побудували новий міст через Дніпро.

XVIII. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian. Pay special attention to the meaning and use of the modal verb should.

1. You should really have handed it straight over to your solicitors. 2. "You should go to bed early", he said. "You look so tired". 3. You should have seen his face. 4. Should I report it? 5. "You should eat a proper breakfast", he said looking round in vain for signs of bacon and eggs. 6. 1 should warn you that ignorance is no defence. 7.1 think we should talk to her friends. 8. I've never been to this place before but it think it should be good. 9. Of course one should have outside visitors more often. 10. Should I go out now, go away until they've come and gone? 11. You shouldn't criticize foreigners in Nancy's presence. 12. I think that child should be taken home. 13. You should burn those letters and forget it. 14. Should you mind putting your coat on an coming round with me to see a friend?

XIX. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian. Pay special attention to the meaning and use of the modal verb ought to.

1. But I ought to do something, oughtn't I, about that letter that came today? 2. 1 ought to never have kept you up so late. 3. You ought to be getting home. I've kept you too long. 4. "We ought to set off back, now", he said. 5. Ought I not to set them free, to tell Arthur now that he should see Crystal more, that Crystal needed protection? 6.It made his blood boil to see little creatures of five or six crossing Picadilly alone. The police ought to have stopped the traffic at once. 7. Clarice started to tell her mother that she ought to give him one more chance. 8. "Munnie", Bert said, "don't you think we ought to send your father a cable?" 9. Do you think I ought to tell them about it? 10. You ought to come and see us at the College next time you're home. 11.I suppose you ought to prosecute in the public interest. 12. I think perhaps I ought to see your mother and discuss future plans. 13. The weather ought to be all right. 14. I ought to get in touch with poor George. 15. You ought to be ashamed of yourself, a big beast like you, to bite a poor little dog? 16. Sid was the life of that picnic. You ought to have heard him!

XX. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian. Pay special attention to the meaning and use of the modal verb need.

1. But you needn't get too upset, after all. 2. It wasn't my fault at all, and you needn't have mentioned it. 3. But you needn't mind her - she's only a silly old woman. 4. But we needn't let Clifford know, need we? 5. Just to keep business mechanically going, you needed money. You needn't really have anything else. 6." But you'd better ask your uncle if you can come". "I needn't do that". 7. "Oh, my dear fellow, that's asking a great deal. I've got a lot of work to do just now". "It needn't take you very long". 8. I've got some work to do with my secretary, so you needn't come back till six. 9. You needn't lose temper. I'm only demanding you to do your duty. 10. You needn't lay hands on me. I'm going. 11. "You needn't whisper, Mid. Think I don't know all that about Uncle Sid?" 12. I need hardly advise you, gentlemen, to lock your doors.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-18 | Просмотры: 844 | Нарушение авторских прав

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