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Crime Scene Search. Local authorities received a phone call at 16:55 hours on 11 September 1992 from a woman who identified herself as the maid for a Vasily Nabokov

  1. Clinical research and clinical trial. Резюме.
  2. Crime Scene Search
  3. IX. Describe the crime scene closely to the text.
  4. IX. Describe the crime scene closely to the text.
  5. XI. Be ready to make up a description of the crime scene.
  6. XI. Be ready to make up a description of the crime scene.
  7. Микроскоп Bresser Researcher ICD LED 20x–80x

Local authorities received a phone call at 16:55 hours on 11 September 1992 from a woman who identified herself as the maid for a Vasily Nabokov. Authorities responded and found a man dead on the floor of the high rise apartment. The cause of death was not immediately apparent. They secured the scene and notified Homicide.

Homicide investigators arrived at 17:30 hours. Upon superficial examination of the victim, it appeared that some sort of blunt force trauma (BFT) to the back of the head was the cause of death. There was also some blood on the picture window in front of the victim, suggesting he had hit the window as he went to the floor, having been knocked out from behind.

The arm had two very distinctive tattoos. One was a large parrot, the other a ringed design around the forearm.

Homicide investigators found no evidence of a struggle. All things and furniture were in order. A jewelry box in drawer wasn’t touched at all. The victim’s purse, wallet and car keys were found at the scene intact. No prints were found anywhere. They noted that many video cameras had been set up in the living room around a large round bed. The ceiling had mirrors. A large number of video tapes were found in the apartment. They also found paraphernalia associated with the pornography industry.

The coroner arrived at 18:10 hours. Initial findings indicated that the skull had been fractured. The body was transported for autopsy at 20:00 hours.


Дата добавления: 2015-09-18 | Просмотры: 645 | Нарушение авторских прав

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