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Grammar. Passive Voice

  1. Grammar. Comparisons
  2. Grammar. Future Tenses
  3. Grammar. Numerals
  4. The larynx: structure, topography, blood and nerves supply, compartments, cartilages, cavities of larynx. Mechanism of voice production.

· We use Passive when the action is more important than the agent (the person or thing doing the action)

· To form Passive we use be (in the appropriate tense) + V3 (Past Participle)

· Study the table:


Grammar Tense Active Passive
Present simple She brushes the teeth. The teeth are brushed.
Past simple She brushed the teeth. The teeth were brushed.
Present perfect simple She has brushed the teeth. The teeth have been brushed.
Future simple She will brush the teeth. The teeth will be brushed.
Modals She must brush the teeth. The teeth must be brushed.



1. Put the verbs in the correct Passive Tense.

a) Dental caries and periodontal diseases ________ (usually/ cause) by dental plaque.

b) Regular dental check-ups must ________ (do) at least twice a year.

c) The patient had a huge amount of calculus on the tooth surfaces, which meant that flossing and brushing ________ (do) properly during the past period.

d) “After improving this severe condition regular professional cleanings _______ (recommend) for you in future”, says the dentist.

e) His teeth _________ (just/ examine) by the dentist.


2. Rewrite the sentences in the Passive.

1. They wrote a report about the dental examination of the patient.

2. The clinic will offer a wide range of dental procedures.

3. She has already visited the dentist twice this week.

4. They must improve your bite.

5. They do regular check-ups free of charge.


3.Rewrite the sentences in the Active.

1. The crowns will be fixed by the dentist next week.

2. The office has been repaired already by the workers.

3. The follow up appointment was made by the patient.

4. Flossing and brushing must be done regularly by every individual.

5. Her natural smile is admired by everyone.


Дата добавления: 2015-02-05 | Просмотры: 721 | Нарушение авторских прав

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