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Inflammation in the Periodontal Lesion

  1. Classification of Periodontal Diseases

a) Study the picture and the table and answer the questions:

1) What anatomical structures support the teeth?

2) How many stages of periodontal lesion do you know?

3) What changes is the initial lesion stage characterized by?

4) What are the clinical changes of the acute gingivitis stage?

5) How can you recognise transition from gingivitis to periodontitis?



Stages Time Clinical changes Histological changes
I. Initial lesion - initial response of tissue to bacterial plaque; - subclinical gingivitis. 2 – 4 days none Increase in gingival crevicular fluid
II. Early lesion - acute gingivitis   4 – 7 days Redness Bleeding upon probing Loss of tissue tone Continuation of initial lesion; Chronic inflammatory cells appear Connective tissue fibre destruction
III. Established lesion - chronic gingivitis 14 or more days Moderate-to-severe inflammation   Chronic inflammation: blood vessels congested, blood flow impaired, Continuation of changes in early lesions
IV. Advanced lesion - transition from gingivitis to periodontitis Dependent on host response True periodontal pockets Attachment loss Bone loss Inflammation extending into connective tissue; Attachment and alveolar bone; Bone resorption

b) Speak about the consequences of the inflammation of the periodontal lesion.


Дата добавления: 2015-02-05 | Просмотры: 623 | Нарушение авторских прав

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