Прочтите и переведите предложения, содержащие Participle II и Passive Voice.
1. The framework of bones called the skeleton supports the soft parts and protects the organs from injury.
2. The principle organs located in the chest are the lungs, the heart and the gullet (esophagus).
3. The upper extremity is connected with the chest by the shoulder.
4. The lower extremity is connected with the trunk by the hip.
5. The skeleton is covered with the muscles.
6. The stomach connected with the mouth by the gullet is in the abdominal cavity.
Прочитайте текст «We study Anatomy», найдите предложения, содержащие Participle II и Passive voice. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
We study Anatomy
At the practical Anatomy class we study the human body. The principle parts of the human body are the head, the trunk and the limbs (extremities). We speak of the upper extremities (arms) and the lower extremities (legs).
The head consists of two parts: the skull which contains the brain, and the face which consists of the forehead, the eyes, the nose, the mouth, the cheeks, the ears and the chin. In the mouth there are gums with teeth, the tongue and the palate.
The head is connected with the trunk by the neck. The upper part of the trunk is the chest and the lower one is the abdomen. The principle organs in the chest are the lungs, the heart and the gullet (esophagus). We breathe with the lungs. The heart contracts and makes 60-80 beats per minute.
The principle organs in the abdominal cavity are the stomach, the liver, the spleen, the intestine, the kidneys, the gall-bladder and the bladder.
The framework of the bones is called the skeleton; it supports the soft parts and protects the organs form injury. The bones are covered with muscles.
The upper extremity is connected with the chest by the shoulder. Each arm consists of the upper arm, forearm, elbow, wrist and hand. We have four fingers and a thumb on each hand.
The lower extremity (the leg) consists of the hip (the thigh), knee, calf, ankle and foot.
The body is covered by the skin.
Найдите в тексте эквиваленты следующих слов и словосочетаний. Составьте предложения по содержанию текста.
- защищает органы от повреждений;
- верхняя часть туловища;
- верхние конечности – руки;
- нижние конечности – ноги;
- легкие, сердце, пищевод – основные органы в грудной клетки;
- печень, селезенка, желудок, почки, желчный пузырь, кишечник,
мочевой пузырь – основные органы в абдоминальной полости;
- голова состоит из двух частей - черепа, лица;
- головной мозг;
- лицо состоит изо лба, глаз, щек, ушей, носа, рта, подбородка;
- десны, зубы, язык, нёбо находятся во рту;
- сердце совершает 60-80 ударов в минуту;
- кости покрыты мышцами.
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