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The typical dentist's day at workis not easy to describe, as each dentist may experience special aspects of work that depend on his specialty. However, for most dentists, the workday begins very early to accommodate patient schedules and may go on into the late evening hours and on weekends for emergency cases. Dentists will generally review the dental files and records briefly in the morning before each patient arrives and then add new notes at the end of each visit. Once inspecting patients' teeth and gums, a dentist will most likely recommend a course of action that can include preventative practices, cosmetic work and education about the importance of caring for the mouth.

Most dentists work in an office environment. A workday can include removing decay, filling cavities, examining x-rays, straightening teeth, brightening teeth, realigning jaws, treating gum diseases, extracting teeth, fabricating substitutes for lost teeth and oral tissues, making models and measurements for dentures, performing surgery to correct facial and dental deformities caused by accidents or birth defects and simply educating patients on how to prevent oral health problems. Dentists also administer anesthetics and write prescriptions for antibiotics and other medications.

Dentists treat and interact with people of all ages, backgrounds and personalities on a daily basis. Every single patient has unique problems, so a dentist has to provide unique treatments for each individual. This makes workdays diverse and interesting though.

Unlike most other branches of medicine, dentistry offers flexibility. Many private practitioner dentists have the option of working either full-time or part-time and have the luxury of choosing their own hours, therefore allowing them to structure their lives based on their personal and professional needs. According to the Canadian Dental Association, today the average dentist provides oral health care to 1,000 different patients each year with an average of 63 patient visits each week.


Дата добавления: 2015-02-05 | Просмотры: 1261 | Нарушение авторских прав

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