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III. NEGATIVE SENTENCE. have not got . I have not gota textbook

  1. I. Transform the sentences according to the model.
  3. II. Make the sentences interrogative using question words from the brackets.
  7. III. Read and translate the following text. Complete the sentences by choosing appropriate prepositions from those in the brackets.
  8. III. Turn the following sentences into disjunctive questions. Make questions to which the words in bold type are the answers.

have not got.... I have not got a textbook.

€,,… has not got.... He has not got a textbook.

” have not got.... They have not got a textbook.

Learn the following expressions with the verb to have:

· to have dinner/breakfast - обедать, завтракать;

· to have tea/coffee - пить чай, кофе;

· to have a bath/a wash - принять ванну помыться;

· to have a shave/a shower/a rest - побриться, принять душ, отдохнуть;

· to have a sleep/a dream - поспать, помечтать;

· to have a holiday/a good time - отдохнуть, хорошо провести время.

· to have a lesson / a lecture / a meeting - посещать урок / лекцию / собрание;

· to have a rest / a swim / a wash-отдохнуть / поплавать /постирать;

· to have a drink / a cigarette / a day off - выпить / выкурить сигарету / иметь выходной день.

Exercise 19: Make up sentences using the following prompts:

1. She / L / have / an excellent mark.

2. She / J / have / a Chemistry textbook /.

3. He / L / have / a credit-test/.

4. He / J / have / a desire to become a dentist.

5. I / L / have / two / classes today.

6. We/ J / have /microscopes in our laboratory.

7. We /J / a large laboratory.

8. They / J / an excellent teacher.

9. you / have / a notebook/?

10. they / have / a dictionary/?


Exercise 20: Ask and answer the questions.

Example: Have you got a calculator? Yes, I have.


      A calculator   Colouring pencils     A dictionary
  A cereal bar       A diary     A mobile phone

Дата добавления: 2015-02-05 | Просмотры: 853 | Нарушение авторских прав

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