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Local antibiotic therapy

  1. Cucumbers and urine therapy
  5. Status localis
  7. The spinal cord, shape, topography, internal stuc. The localization of conductng pathways in the white matter of the spinal cord. Meningeas of s.c.
  8. МЕСТНОЕ АРТЕРИАЛЬНОЕ ПОЛНОКРОВИЕ (hyperaemia localis arteriosa)
  9. МЕСТНОЕ ВЕНОЗНОЕ ПОЛНОКРОВИЕ (hyperaemia localis venosa)

In this form of antimicrobial periodontal treatment the dentist places the antibiotic medication directly into the affected mouth tissues. The material dissolves slowly releasing a controlled dose of the antibiotic for a period of a few days.

There are several types of local antibiotic therapy, including:

· Gel – A gel containing antibiotic is injected into periodontal pockets under the gums and sealed with a periodontal pack which is removed after 7 to 10 days along with any remaining gel.

o Atridox is such a gel containing doxycycline.

o Elyzol is a gel applied to the gum that is composed of metronidazole.

· Powder — The dentist places the antibiotic in the form of a powder under the gums. The powder dissolves in about three weeks.

· Chip - Chips containing antibiotic is placed under the gums and into the periodontal pockets. The chip dissolves over 7 to 10 days.

o Periochip is a small piece of gelatin filled with chlorhexidine.

o Actisite is a thread-like fiber similar to dental floss that contains tetracycline hydrochloride.

o Arestin contains tiny round particles with the antibiotic minocycline.

Дата добавления: 2015-02-05 | Просмотры: 741 | Нарушение авторских прав

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