Humans breathe through something called the ___________ ___________. This system begins with the nose and mouth and continuous through airways to the lungs.
We breathe in using a ___________ called the diaphragm. It flattens out making our lungs expand and fill with air. When we breathe in, air gets forced through our nose or mouth, down our ___________, and into bronchi tubes in our lungs.
At the end of the smallest branches of the bronchi are tiny air sacs called alveoli. They have a very thin, one cell thick wall that allows oxygen to be passed to red ___________ ___________ as they are passing by. There are hundreds of millions of ___________ in our lungs.
The alveoli also help to clean out waste gas (carbon dioxide) from our blood cells. When we need to breathe the ___________ ___________ out of our lungs, the ___________ bows up and pushes the air back out, getting rid of the carbon dioxide. This makes room for ___________ ___________ with new oxygen to come back in on our next breath.
The nose does not only provide a place for air to enter our body. It also helps ___________ the air of dust and other stuff. It does this by using lots of hairs and mucus. It also helps warm up the air prior to getting to our lungs.
The ___________ ___________ also helps with talking. We couldn’t talk without air. By forcing air through our vocal chords, the respiratory system helps them to ___________ and create sound like talking, ___________, or shouting.

Exercise 4: Find the right translation:
Могу я Вам чем-нибудь помочь?
| She once did me a good turn and we’ve been good friends ever since.
| Он очень помог.
| He didn’t lift a finger to help me out.
| Спасибо за помощь.
| They refused us help.
| В трудную минуту он всегда приходил мне на помощь.
| He was employed to assist the manager in his duties.
| Где я могу получить срочную медицинскую помощь?
| I’ll help you if I can.
| Она однажды оказала мне добрую услугу, и с тех пор мы большие друзья.
| Can I be of any help?
| Его взяли на работу, чтобы он помогал менеджеру выполнять его обязанности.
| She got one of her assistant to do the work.
| Я помогу вам, если смогу.
| Where can I get immediate medical care?
| Вы всегда можете обратиться к нему за помощью.
| He was very helpful.
| Вам нужна помощь?
| Thank you for your assistance.
| Мы сможем сделать это без посторонней помощи.
| He always came to my aid when things were tough.
| Он и пальцем не пошевелил, чтобы помочь мне.
| Do you need any help?
| Она поручила одному из своих помощников сделать эту работу.
| You can always turn to him for help.
| Они отказали нам в помощи.
| We can do it without anybody’s assistance.
| Exercise 5: Make the dialogues according to the cases:

Exercise 6: Play the dialogue and make similar one:
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