ACTIVE VOCABULARY. accounting n – бухгалтерское дело
accounting n – бухгалтерское дело
advanced p – передовой, рассчитанный на продвинутых учащихся
apply v – применять
attention n – внимание
become v – становиться
date n – дата, число, день
v – датировать(ся)
department n – кафедра
depend (on) v – зависеть от
education n – образование
enter v – поступать
establishment n – заведение, учреждение
field n – область
include v – содержать, заключать в себе
pay v – платить, уделять (внимание)
posses v – обладать, владеть
provide v – снабжать, обеспечивать
research n – исследование
scientific a – научный
subject n – предмет
successful a – учебный
training n – обучение, подготовка
Exercise 1. Give the Russian equivalents:
University, Russia, personnel, training, specialist, mathematics, business, analysis, discipline, psychology, physics, philosophy, economics, history, organization, technology, information, protection, analysis, laboratory, practical, professional, special, military.
Exercise 2. Translate the noun groups:
management staff, business accounting, information protection, life safety, system analysis, language laboratory, computer laboratory, training towers, research potential, State Fire Service training fire units.
Exercise 3. Read and translate words of the same root:
Person – personnel – personal, educate – education – educator, establish –establishment – established, success – successful – unsuccessful – successfully, manage – manager – management, protect – protection, provide – provision, organize – organization – organizer, health – healthy, depend – dependent – independent.
Exercise 4. Choose the correct word and translate the sentences:
1. manage, manager, management
2. Emergency personnel… often have bachelor’s degree.
b. They may have degrees in such fields as … and public administration.
2. train, training, trained
a. A young psychologist takes a … program.
b. The future psychologists are … at our University.
3. educate, education, educator, educational
a. Our University provides higher… for emergency specialists.
b. After graduating from the University he works as an….
c. Our University is the oldest … establishment of this kind.
4. person, personnel, personal
a. Psychologists are ready to answer any … question.
b. Advanced training for … is very important for effective work.
Exercise 5. Translate the sentences. Pay attention to the translation of the underlined words:
1. What is the date today? The history of our University dates back to 1906. 2. There are different kinds of emergency educational establishments in Russia. Will you be kind enough to help me? 3. Professor N. is one of the best men in his field. There is a field of ice near the school. 4. Our University trains specialists for EMERCOM (MChS). There are many express trains between St Petersburg and Moscow. 5. What is the pay? We should pay much attention to our mental health. 6. The teaching staff of the University consists of highly professional specialists. Nowadays many educational establishments are staffed with psychologists.
Exercise 6. Read and translate the text “Saint Petersburg University of State Fire Service of EMERCOM (MChS) of Russia”.
Exercise 7. Answer the following questions:
1. What is the name of our University? 2. When was it established? 3. What kind of specialists does the University train? 4. Is it difficult to become a student of the University? 5. What exams must one take to enter the University? 6. What subjects do the students and cadets study? 7. Is there a good library at the University?
Exercise 8. Find in the text the English equivalents:
старейшее учебное заведение, успешная подготовка персонала, высшее образование, прикладная математика, экономика (бухгалтерия), стать студентом, успешно сдать экзамены, быть здоровым физически и умственно, профессиональная подготовка, общеобразовательные дисциплины, учебные башни, большое внимание, физическая и военная подготовка, кафедры университета.
Exercise 9. Translate the text in writing:
Early history of Saint - Petersburg University of State Fire Service
The history of Saint-Petersburg university of State Fire Service of EMERCOM of Russia begins in October, 5 1906, when in Saint-Petersburg, the capital of the Russian empire, the opening of the Courses of fire engineers took place.
The cadets of the Courses studied mechanism of the fire engine, theory of burning, electrical engineering, physics, and mathematics. They worked in the chemical laboratories, trained to provide first medical aid and to repair firefighting devices. In summer the cadets worked in the fire units of Saint-Petersburg or in the suburbs. Teachers and cadets were involved in the scientific activity, published textbooks, which were used in the educational process of fire-fighters for about 20 years. Thus the basis of professional training in the field of fire safety was laid in Russia. In February 1918 the Courses of fire engineers were reorganized into the Professional School of fire engineers.
Exercise 10. Learn and retell the text:
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