Функции и перевод герундия
| Герундий (Gerund)
| Перевод
| 1. Подлежащее
| Knowing laws of psychology is very important.
| Знание (знать) законы психологии очень важно
| 2. Часть сказуемого
| The task was determining the spots where people could be found.
| Задача была определить места, где могли находиться люди.
| 3. Дополнение
| The parents thanked the psychologist for helping their children..
| Родители поблагодарили психолога за помощь детям.
| 4. Определение
а) перед определяемым словом
b) после определяемого слова
| a) a smoking room
b) The rules of using this test are well known.
| а) курительная комната (комната для курения).
в) Правила применения этого теста хорошо известны.
| 5. Обстоятельство.
| всегда с предлогом:
in, by, on, upon before, after, without
1. By using this method the researchers achieved good results.
2. After receiving an alarm the rescue teams hurry to the disaster area.
1. Применяя данный метод, исследова-тели достигли хоро-ших результатов.
2. Получив сигнал, спасательные команды устремляются на место катастрофы.
| Exercise 13. Translate the following sentences:
1. Their offering new test conditions gave greater efficiency.
2. My aim is finding new ways of solving this problem.
3. Nowadays many people take great interest in studying psychological problems.
4. Employees of the Center take part in training with foreign specialists.
5. One can’t help others without knowing some psychological laws.
6. Before our testing a large group of students we divided them in smaller groups.
7. After experiencing such events as in New York people need some help.
8. Overcoming the stress related to the accident is not an easy task.
9. Leaving an individual alone after a disaster can produce an extreme stress reaction.
10. The students’ taking part in the research was of great help to the research team.
Exercise 14. Point out the Gerund and the Participles, and state their function. Translate the following sentences:
1. People must start evacuation immediately upon detecting any sign of danger.
2. Individuals often find themselves avoiding reminders of the incident.
3. Distracting information is often filtered out.
4. Sometimes little attention to threatening information is paid during the emergency situation.
5. It is difficult to understand people’s actions without understanding the goals that they are attempting to pursue.
6. Individuals may suffer from emotional reactions following traumatic experiences.
7. People will try to complete a task before taking action on a new task.
8. Being unable to talk about their memories or their feelings individuals can suffer Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).
9. Young children may learn dangers by coloring sheets of papers.
10. One should get the information one needs by speaking to one’s psychologist.
11. The initial priority is rescuing any occupants that may be in a burning building.
1. Грамматический материал:
а) Participle I и Participle II – образование, функции в предложении и способы перевода на русский язык.
б) The Gerund – образование, функции в предложении и способы перевода на русский язык.
2. Слова из раздела Active Vocabulary
Приложение 1.
Infinitive Past Simple Participle 2 Перевод
to be was, were been быть
to become became become становится
to begin began begun начинать(ся)
to break broke broken ломать,разбивать
to build built built строить
to choose chose chosen выбирать
to come came come приходить,приезжать
to deal (with) dealt (with) dealt (with) иметь дело с
to do did done делать
to fall fell fallen падать
to feel felt felt чувствовать
to fight fought fought бороться
to find found found находить
to forget forgot forgotten забывать
to get got got получать, становиться
to give gave given давать
to go went gone идти, ехать
to grow grew grown расти, становится
to have had had иметь
to hold held held держать, владеть
to keep kept kept держать
to know knew known знать
to lead lead lead вести
to learn learnt (-ed) learnt (-ed) учиться, узнавать
to make made made делать
to put put put класть
to read read read читать
to ring rang rung звонить, звенеть
to run ran run бежать
to say said said говорить, сказать
to see saw seen видеть
to set set set ставить, устанавливать
to sit sat sat сидеть
to sleep slept slept спать
to speak spoke spoken говорить
to spend spent spent тратить, проводить
to spread spread spread распространять (ся)
to stand stood stood стоять
to take took taken брать
to teach taught taught учить, обучать
to tell told told рассказывать
to think thought thought думать
to throw threw threw бросать
to undergo underwent undergone подвергаться
to understand understood understood понимать
to withstand withstood withstood противостоять
to write wrote written писать
UNIT 1 ……………………………………………..…………….….…………….3
Тема: My Speciality
Грамматика: порядок слов простого предложения; имя существительное, местоимения.
UNIT 2 …………………………………………………..…..………..………….17
Тема: Saint-Petersburg University of State Fire Service of EMERCOM
of Russia.
Грамматика: глаголы to be, to have в Present, Past, Future Simple.
Обороты there + be в Present, Past, Future Simple.
UNIT 3……………………………………………………….……..….……..стр.28
Тема: History of Psycology
Грамматика: Имя прилагательное, степени сравнения прилагательных и наречий.
Модальные глаголы и их эквиваленты.
Тема: Emotions and Stress
Грамматика: Времена группы Present, Past, Future Simple. Active/Passive
Стандартные и нестандартные глаголы
Существительные в функции определения
UNIT 5………………………………………………….…………………………48
Тема: Fire Behaviour
Грамматика: Времена группы Continuous Active/Passive
Образование слов при помощи суффиксов: -er, -or, -ant,-ance, -ty, ive, -ly
UNIT 6………………………………………………………………………….…56
Тема: Psychological preparedness of a firefighter
Грамматика Времена группы Perfect Active/Passive
UNIT 7…………………………………………………………………………….69
Тема: Managing a Stress by a Rescuer
Грамматика: Инфинитив. Объектный инфинитивный оборот.
Субъектный инфинитивный оборот.
UNIT 8…………………………………………………………………………… 82
Тема: The Center of Urgent Psychological Assistance
Грамматика: Причастие. Причастные обороты.
Герундий. Герундиальные обороты.
Дата добавления: 2015-09-18 | Просмотры: 646 | Нарушение авторских прав
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