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Спряжение глаголов в Past Simple
Утвердительная форма
I (he, she, it,
we, you, they)
| Стандартные глаголы
| Нестандартные глаголы
took, did
Отрицательная форма
| I (he, she, it,
we, you they) did not (didn’t)
solve, delay
take, do
Вопросительная форма
| Did I (he, she, it, we, you, they)
solve, delay…?
take…?, do…?
Exercise 13. Put the sentences into interrogative and negative forms:
1. The scientists studied the relationship between stress and behaviou.
2. Everybody needed to respond quickly to a fire alarm.
3. Fire – fighters experienced traumatic incidents.
4. Individuals suffered from emotional reactions following traumatic experiences.
Спряжение глаголов в Future Simple
Утвердительная форма
| I (we) shall/will
you (he, she, it,
we, they) will
| Стандартные глаголы
| Нестандартные глаголы
take, do
| Отрицательная форма
| I (we) shall/will not (shan’t, won’t)
you (he, she, it,
we, they) will not (won’t)
| solve, delay
take, do
| Вопросительная форма
| shall/will I (we)
will you (he, she, it, they)
| solve, delay…?
take, do…?
Exercise 14. Put the sentences into interrogative and negative forms:
1. The scientist will publish the results of his studies in a scientific journal.
2. People will try to complete a task before taking an action on a new task.
3. Exit signs will help to find a protected place.
4. People will panic if they don’t know the real situation.
Дата добавления: 2015-09-18 | Просмотры: 697 | Нарушение авторских прав
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