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Спряжение глаголов в Past Simple

  1. I. Раскройте скобки, употребляя эквиваленты модальных глаголов соответствующем времени.
  2. I. Раскройте скобки, употребляя эквиваленты модальных глаголов соответствующем времени.
  3. The Future Simple Tense
  4. The Future Simple Tense
  5. The Present Simple Tense
  6. The Present Simple Tense
  7. XIV.Put the verb in the correct tense. Pay attention to Present Perfect or Past Simple.
  8. XIV.Put the verb in the correct tense. Pay attention to Present Perfect or Past Simple.
  9. В Present, Past, Future Simple
  10. В Present, Past, Future Simple


  Утвердительная форма   I (he, she, it, we, you, they) Стандартные глаголы   solve,delay Нестандартные глаголы   took, did
  Отрицательная форма I (he, she, it, we, you they) did not (didn’t)   solve, delay   take, do
  Вопросительная форма Did I (he, she, it, we, you, they)   solve, delay…?   take…?, do…?


Exercise 13. Put the sentences into interrogative and negative forms:

1. The scientists studied the relationship between stress and behaviou.

2. Everybody needed to respond quickly to a fire alarm.

3. Fire – fighters experienced traumatic incidents.

4. Individuals suffered from emotional reactions following traumatic experiences.


Спряжение глаголов в Future Simple


Утвердительная форма I (we) shall/will you (he, she, it, we, they) will Стандартные глаголы   solve,delay Нестандартные глаголы   take, do
Отрицательная форма I (we) shall/will not (shan’t, won’t) you (he, she, it, we, they) will not (won’t) solve, delay   take, do
Вопросительная форма shall/will I (we) will you (he, she, it, they) solve, delay…?   take, do…?


Exercise 14. Put the sentences into interrogative and negative forms:

1. The scientist will publish the results of his studies in a scientific journal.

2. People will try to complete a task before taking an action on a new task.

3. Exit signs will help to find a protected place.

4. People will panic if they don’t know the real situation.


Дата добавления: 2015-09-18 | Просмотры: 697 | Нарушение авторских прав

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