ambiguity n – неясность
anxiety n – беспокойство
apparent a – явный, очевидный
apparent a – явный, очевидный
appraisal n – одобрение
avoid v – избегать
behavior n – поведение
cause n – причина
cognitive a – познавательный
cope v – справиться
danger n – опасность
delay v – откладывать
detrimental a – вредный, пагубный
endurance n – выносливость
fear n – страх
interfere v – препятствовать
performance n – выполнение
perception n – восприятие
relationship n – отношение
response n - реакция
sign n – знак
solve v – решать
task n – задача
threat n – угроза
Exercise 1. Give the Russian equivalents:
stress, emotion, professor, action, signal, problem, psychology, critical, information, reason, ignore, chemicals, cognitive
Exercise 2. Translate the noun groups:
fire emergency, fire safety, psychology professor, alarm signal, task performance, problem solving coping, emotion-focus coping
Exercise 3. Read and translate words of the same root:
Differ – different – difference; stress – stressful; use – useful – useless; to develop – development; to respond – response; explain – explanation; threat – to threaten; to perform – performance; interest – interesting – interestingly; to decide – decision; strong – strength; to feel – feeling
Exercise 4. Choose the correct word and translate the sentences:
1. stress, stressful
a) Any person should know how to cope with …
b) Fire emergencies are … events.
2. act, action, active
a) Emotions are very effective in taking ….
b) Cadets took an … part in the conference.
3. threat, threaten
a) The response to … should be quick.
b) The fire … to the building occupants.
4. response, respond
a) The … to threat can interfere with task performance.
b) Different people … to danger differently.
Exercise 5.Translate the sentences. Pay attention to the translation of the underlined words:
1. Sometimes people delay their response to alarm signals. There was a two hour delay of our flight. 2. The scientist studies the relationship between stress and behaviou. The results of his studies will be published in a scientific journal. 3. The chemicals the body produces help to increase strength. The increase of temperature influenced old people health. 4. Many people tend to ignore signs of danger. Our chief signs documents every Monday. 5. The feeling of fear reduces the capacity to think about a problem. Don’t fear you’ll be helped.
Дата добавления: 2015-09-18 | Просмотры: 751 | Нарушение авторских прав
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