Some years ago there was no such profession “a rescuer”. Therefore, there were neither training programmes nor special schools for rescuers. EMERCOM (an emergency management state committee, later reorganized into a ministry) was formed. Over a course of a few years a well-balanced system of training of rescuers was developed which now allows EMERCOM of Russia to fill up its units with expert professionals. At the same time this system continues to be perfected.
Applicants for the job or rescuer pass a special medical examination and after that they are trained at a training base of search and rescue squads. After a course of training they must be able to do search and rescue work, be skilled in fire-fighting assisting fire squads, and be expert in the main methods of first aid.
The system of training of rescuers implies continuity of the training process. Therefore, every rescuer is constantly perfecting his skill according to the programme confirmed by EMERCOM of Russia. The training programme consists of 504 training periods (each of 45 minutes) and covers 14 theoretical and 27 practical subjects.
Psychological training is one of the main disciplines. The work of a rescuer is hard and dangerous. Rescuers are subjected to stress loads daily. Stress is a protective reaction of organism of a man. To do their work well rescuers must be trained to manage their responses to stress effectively. Training helps people to realize what their instinctive response is in a stressful situation, and be able to act in the most useful manner, despite the instinctive response.
It is possible to influence and to control stress situations. There is no doubt that the best preventive treatment of psychic and emotional stress is correct psychological training. This is a difficult task which takes a long time.
Until recently various means of reducing emotional stress were used in “the struggle against stress”. These means include medical preparations (tranquilizers) and numerous relaxation techniques from self-suggestion to self-regulation and those used by Yoga. Correct regime and diet are also important.
Highly qualified psychologists work with rescuers. Different games, tests and trainings teach them how to behave in dangerous situations. By making a plan and rehearsing it, you can train yourself to use your natural reactions to effectively cope with emergencies. You will not be able to train for every possibility, but you can train yourself for a few basic situations. When the time comes, you may have to improvise with the skills you have practiced and cope with the situation successfully.
Дата добавления: 2015-09-18 | Просмотры: 727 | Нарушение авторских прав
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