В Present, Past, Future Simple
| Утвердительная
| Отрицательная форма
| Вопросительная
| Present
| I am
He (she) is } a cadet
It is
We (you, they) are cadets
| I am not
He (she) is not} a cadet
It is not
We (you, they) are not cadets
| Are you
Is he (she) } a cadet?
Is it
Are we (you, they) cadets
| Past
| I, he (she) was
} a cadet
It was
We (you, they) were cadets
| I, he (she) was not
} a cadet
It was not
We (you, they) were cadets
| Was he (she, it) a cadet?
Were they (you) cadets?
| Future
| I (he, she, it) will be a cadet
We (you, they) will be cadets
| I (he, she, it) will not (won’t) be a cadet
We (you, they) will not (won’t) be cadets
| Will you (he, she, it) be a cadet?
Will we (you, they) be cadets?
Exercise 11. Put the sentences into interrogative and negative forms:
1. Our University is the oldest educational establishment of this kind in Russia.
2. It’s not easy to become a student of the University.
3. I’m a student (cadet) of Saint-Petersburg University of State Fire Service of EMERCOM of Russia.
4. Students and cadets are healthy.
5. My father was a cadet of Saint-Petersburg university of State Fire Service.
6. The students were at a fire department yesterday.
7. I was late for my classes.
8. We were taught many subjects.
9. I’ll be a third year student next year.
10. My sister will be glad to help you.
Exercise 12. Open the brackets and put the verb into the right form:
1. All students (to be) present today, but not all of them (to be) at the classes yesterday.
2. My brother (to be) a firefighter now, only last year he (to be) a cadet.
3. I (to be) 17, last year I (to be) 16, next year I (to be) 18.
4. How old (to be) you?
5. How old (to be) your father when he graduated from the University?
6. How old (to be) you when you graduate from the University?
7. What (to be) the names of your parents?
Дата добавления: 2015-09-18 | Просмотры: 645 | Нарушение авторских прав
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