Chapter 7. Diseases of peripheral arteries ........................................ 184
Прочитайте: Arteries of arm and forearm. Topography, projection, branches, supply regions. Blood supply of elbow joint. Arteries of leg and foot: topography, projection, branches and supply region. Categories of Oral Diseases Classification of Periodontal Diseases Classification of the female sexual organs inflammatory diseases. Common, external, internal iliac arteries: topography, branches, supply region, anastomoses. The Rhinencephalon (smell brain), its peripheral and central portions. 1st pair of cranial nerves.The limbic system, its functional importance. БИБЛИОГРАФИЧЕСКИЙ СПИСОК ......................................................... 330 Глава 1. ВВЕДЕНИЕ................................................................................................. 10
7.1. Atherosclerosis obliterans. — A.V.Pokrovsky, A.V.Chupin ................................. 184
7.2. Thromboangiitis obliterans (Winiwarter-Buerger disease) — A. V.Pokrovsky, A.V.Chupin 198
7.3. Occlusive arterial lesions of the foot. Intravascular ultrasound diagnosis. —
A. V.Pokrovsky, A. V.Chupin .................................................................................... 210
7.4. Critical ischemia of the lower extremities. — A.V.Pokrovsky, A.V.Chupin... 213
7.5. Arterialization of venous blood flood of the foot. — A. V.Pokrovsky, A. V. Chupin 221
7.6. The diagnosis and treatment of critical ischemia of the lower extremities. — Russian consensus (2002) 229
7.7. Ischemic diabetic foot. — A.V.Pokrovsky, A.V.Chupin ....................................... 250
7.8. Aneurysms of peripheral arteries. — A.A.Spiridonov, KM.Morozov ................ 262
7.9. Cystic lesion of the popliteal arterial adventitia. — A. V.Pokrovsky, A.A.Chupin 284
7.10. Chronic ischemia of the upper extremities. — A.V.Pokrovsky, A.A.Kalinin.. 287
7.11. Lumbar sympathectomy. — Ye.P.Kokhan, VYe.Kokhan, O.V.Pinchuk .......... 296
7.12. Thoracic and lumbar endoscopic sympathectomy. — V.P.Strekalovsky .... 307
7.13. Revascularizing osteotrepanation. — Ye.P.Kokhan, A.V.Obraztsov ................. 311
7.14. Transplantation of the greater omentum in the treatment of distal forms of leg arterial lesion. — I.I.Zatevakhin, M.Sh.Tsitsiashvili, Yu.F.Gorbenko ............................................................................................................... 316
7.15. Vasculogenic impotence. — B.P.Dudkin, V. V. Vorontsov, B. VBaikov, V V.Rybakov 325
7.16. Traumatic arteriovenous fistulas. — A.V.Gavrilenko ........................................... 340
7.17. Limb amputation in ischemia. — V.A.Mitish ........................................................... 344
7.18. Vasculitis. - A. V.Pokrovsky, V.I.Yudin ....................................................................... 365
7.19. Vascular functional diseases. — A.V.Pokrovsky, Yu.P.Bogatov ........................ 394
7.20. Peripheral neurovascular syndromes. — A.V.Pokrovsky, A.A.Shubin .................. 409
7.21. Angiodysplasias. — V.N.Dan ....................................................................................... 431
7.22. Fibromuscular dysplasia. — A.V.Gavrilenko ............................................................ 445
Chapter 8. Some forms of symptomatic arterial hypertensions. —
A. V.Pokrovsky, Yu.P.Bogatov .................................................................................................. 450
8.1. Pheochromocytoma...................................................................................................... 450
8.2. Conn's syndrome........................................................................................................... 460
8.3. The Itsenko—Cushing syndrome............................................................................. 469
Chapter 9. Chemodectomas and vascular vessels. — V.N.Dan, A.A.Shubin 439
9.1. Vascular tumors............................................................................................................. 480
9.2. Chemodectomas of the neck...................................................................................... 495
9.3. Barre—Masson disease.............................................................................................. 510
Chapter 10. Portal hypertension. — Sh.I.Karimov, B.Z.Tursunov ............................... 513
Chapter 11. Emergency pathology of the heart and vessels ........................................ 539
11.1. Damages to the heart and pericardium. — A.A.Abakumov .................................... 539
11.2. Damages to the great vessels. — Yu. V.Novikov, N.I.Byrikhin, A. V.Bonsov, I.N.Staroverov 555
11.3. Gunshot wounds and damages to limb vessels. — N.A. Yefimenko, Ye.P. Kohan 584
11.4. Acute arterial occlusion. — I.I.Zatevakhin, M.Sh.Tsitsiashvili, V.N.Zolkin.. 596
11.5. Arterial thromboses and embolism of the upper extremities. — A. V.Pokrovsky, A.A.Kalinin 623
11.6. Acute mesenteric occlusion. — A. V.Pokrovsky, V.I.Yudin .............................. 626
11.7. Acute occlusions of renal vessels. — A. V.Pokrovsky, K.S.Zamsky ....................... 645
11.8. Atheroembolism. — A. V.Pokrovsky, V.I.Yudin ........................................................ 649
11.9. Pulmonary embolism. — A. V.Pokrovsky, S. V.Sapelkin ........................................ 658
Chapter 12. Conservative treatment of the acute coronary syndrome 673
12.1. Pulmonary embolism. — Ye.P.Panchenko ............................................................... 673
12.2. Treatment of ischemic cerebral circulatory disorders. — D.N.Dzhibladze, M.M.Tanashyan 704
12.3. Treatment of atherosclerosis. — Ye. M. Pivovarova ............................................ 712
12.4. Treatment of arterial diseases of the extremities. — P.G.Shvalb ......................... 715
12.5. Treatment obliterating diseasses of lower extremity arteries at the stage of critical ischemia — P.G.Shvalb 722
12.6. Methods of endolymphatic therapy. — Yu. Ye. Vyrenkov ..................................... 726
12.7. Treatment of nonspecific aortoarteritis. — A. V.Pokrovsky, O.G.Gryaznov... 738
Chapter 13. Diseases of the venous and lymphatic systems ..................................... 752
13.1. Classification of venous diseases. — A. V.Pokrovsky, S. V.Sapelkin ............... 752
13.2. Acute venous thromboses of the vena cava inferior. — A. V.Pokrovsky,
S. V.Sapelkin ............................................................................................................... 757
13.3. Ischemic venous thromboses. — A. V.Pokrovsky, S. V.Sapelkin ........................ 772
13.4. Acute venous thromboses of subclavian veins (Schroetter-Paget syndrome). —
A. V.Pokrovsky, S. V.Sapelkin ................................................................................... 776
13.5. The vena cava inferior syndrome. — A. V.Pokrovsky, V.A.Kiyashko .................. 783
13.6. Varicosity of the lower extremities. — P.G.Shvalb ................................................ 788
13.7. Reparative surgery for deep vein valves. — V.Ya.Zolotarevsky, M.M.Aliyev 806
13.8. The postthrombophlebitic syndrome. — P.G.Shvalb ............................................. 810
13.9. Compression therapy for chronic venous insufficiency. — A. V.Pokrovsky,
S. V.Sapelkin ............................................................................................................... 823
13.10. Conservative therapy for chronic venous insufficiency. — A. V.Pokrovsky,
S. V.Sapelkin ............................................................................................................ 830
13.11. Varicocele. Regional renal venous hypertension. — V.N.Dan, S. V.Sapelkin 837
13.12. Lymphedema. — T.V.Savchenko ............................................................................... 843
13.13. Lymphovenous insufficiency. — V.Ya.Zolotarevsky, M.M.Aliyev ....................... 865
1,3.14. Lymphangiomatosis. — V.Ya.Zolotarevsky, M.M.Aliyev ..................................... 871
Subject index ............................................................................................................................... 874
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