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It is recommended for publication by Problem commission "Anesthesiology and intensive care" of MPH and Acad, of Med. Sci. of Ukraine as the textbook for students and interns of higher medical institutions of III and IV levels of accreditation
Simferopol "TAVRIA"
REVIEWERS: Head of Department of anesthesiology, extreme and military medicine of Lugansk Medical University, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor O. N. SPITSIN; Head of Department of anesthesiology-reanimatology of Donetsk Medical University, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor E. P. KURAPOV; Head of Department of surgical diseases of the faculty of postdiploma education of Crimean Medical University named after S.I. Georgievsky, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor V. N. STAROSEK
It is recommended for publication by Central coordination teaching-and-methodical Council of Crimean Medical University named after S.I. Georgievsky, Central coordination and methodical Council of Odessa Medical University, Problem commission "Anesthesiology and intensive care" of the Ministry of Public Health of Ukraine and Acad, of Med. Sci. of Ukraine.
P.N. CHUEV, V.I. MOLCHANOV, A.S. VLADYKA, V.G. MEDVEDEV H 80 INTENSIVE CARE MEDICINE: Textbook. - Simferopol: Tavria, 2006. - 368 pp.
ISBN 966-572-297-2
It is envisaged by the program of medical institutions of higher learning to teach anesthesiologic provision for surgical operations, resuscitation, urgent states in different fields of clinical medicine, medicine of catastrophies and other subjects associated with the need to render an emergency medical care in life-threatening states. At present, it is accepted in the world to unite theoretical theses and practical methods under the term of "Intensive Medicine", as the example of this may serve "Intensive Care Medicine" edited in 2 volumes (J.M. Rippeetal., 1996).
The present textbook is intended for teaching the problems of intensive care medicine for students, interns, as well as it may be useful for doctors of various specialities in the process of postdiploma education and solving practical problems of intensive care in urgent states. It includes sections devoted to the history of formation and development of the intensive care medicine, in Ukraine in particular, problems of anesthesiology, resuscitation and intensive care.
Дата добавления: 2015-02-05 | Просмотры: 889 | Нарушение авторских прав
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