CONTROL QUESTIONS AND TASKS. 1. A driver with sharply expressed general intoxication of the organism, hepatorenal insufficiency and with elevated level of blood transaminases was admitted
1. A driver with sharply expressed general intoxication of the organism, hepatorenal insufficiency and with elevated level of blood transaminases was admitted to the intensive care unit. It was established that three days ago he had eaten mushrooms bought on the highway, after that 12 hours later he developed signs of disease. What mushrooms caused a food poisoning in all probability?
A. Amanita phalloides
B. Lepiota
C. Gyromitra esculenta
D. Tricholoma tigrinum
E. Amanita rubescens
2. A woman, aged 30, developed a disease, all of a sudden, in 0.5 hour after eating a cake with cream. A cutting pain appeared in the upper part of the abdomen, as well as nausea and vomiting. Objectively: temperature 36.0°C, pale skin, RR — 20 per min, pulse — 100 per min, AP 95/65 mm Hg. Heart sounds are of sufficient resonance. Her tongue is dry, abdomen is not distended, but tender in the epigastrium. No symptoms of peritoneum irritation are found. With what measure should the treatment be started?
A. Enterosorbent prescription
B. Cerucal administration
C. Gastric lavage
D. Carrying out an intravenous rehydration
E. Antibiotic therapy
3. To a battalion medical aid station a serviceman, aged 20, was delivered in the state of psychomotor excitation. A myofibrillation of the tongue, eyelids, mimic muscles, miosis, bradycardia, severe expiratory dyspnea, abundant salivation and rhinorrhea, bronchorrhea and sweating were noted. A man, accompanying him, repotted about the patient's contact with soman. What antidote should be administered?
A. 5% unithiol solution
B. 3% ammonia chloride solution
C. 30% sodium thiosulfate solution
D. 0.25% cytochrome C solution
E. 0.1% atropine sulfate solution
4. A patient, with ARF, was overdosed with heparin in the course of hemodialysis. What antidote should be administered?
A. Bemegride
B. Proserin
C. Protamin sulfate
D. Vicasol
E. Atropine sulfate
5. A female patient, aged 17, was admitted to the resuscitation unit with barbiturates poisoning. What indices should be under control in plasma alkalinization while carrying out a forced diuresis?
A. Plasma sodium
B. Plasma potassium
C. pH of urine
D. Diuresis
E. Patient's clinical condition
6. A female-patient, aged 18, had taken with a suicidal purpose several packages of barbiturates. She was delivered to the toxicologic center in a comatose state. What are the features of gastric lavage in the patients being in a comatose state?
A. A patient lies on the right side
B. A patient lies on the left side
C. A patient is in dorsal position
D. A patient is preliminarily intubated with a tube with inflated cuff
E. A patient is intubated and her oral cavity is tamponed
7. A patient was delivered to the toxicologic center in a grave condition with complaints of muscular weakness, twitching of individual groups of muscles, pain in the eyes, decrease of vision. It was found out from anamnesis that the patient had a contact with insecticides during agricultural work. Diagnosis:
A. Dichlorethane poisoning
B. Acetic essence poisoning
C. Organophosphorus compounds poisoning
D. Aniline poisoning
E. Amanita phalloides poisoning
8. A patient is delivered to the toxicologic center with poisoning with certain poison. As an antidote the patient is given repeatedly to drink vodka. What poison is this patient poisoned with, in your opinion?
A. Dichlorethane
B. Nitric acid
C. Acetic acid
D. Methanol
E. Organophosphorus compounds
9. A patient was delivered to the resuscitation unit with organophosphorus compounds poisoning (he drank chlorophos with suicidal purpose). What is the main pathophysiologic mechanism of action of organophosphorus compounds in this poisoning?
A. Hyperproduction of cholinesterase
B. Cholinesterase blockade
C. Prevention of acetylcholine synthesis
D. Acceleration of process of acetylcholine degradation
E. Hyperproduction of amylase.
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