LIST OF REFERENCES. Acute cardiovascular failure // Manevich A.Z., Plokhoy A.D.Intensive care, reanimatology, anesthesiology
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3.3. SHOCK
Shock, in medicine, is a long-standing problem, but most of all is done to solve it for the past two decades. It is associated with development and improvement of techniques on the study of shock at the cellular and subcellular level not only in the experiment, but in clinic as well.
The term "shock", per se, is too abstract to undertake concrete measures on its treatment. Not being made specific, it designates a distress signal and a need in immediate intensive care. This is the information of patient's condition at the present moment, and in this sense the term is valuable and significant. So that this term should become a clinical diagnosis, it is required to specify anatomical lesions and distinct definition of the causes of catastrophe, before all, in the sphere of gas exchange and blood circulation.
The notion "shock" is being changed along with the idea of processes of the organism's vital activity. In the recent past they were satisfied with the definition of shock as a peculiar response to the extreme stimuli accompanied by arterial hypotension. The most prevalent is the notion of shock as a symptom-complex of disorders of vitally important functions of the organism arising as a result of discrepancy between tissue blood flow and metabolic demand of tissues:
Emphesizing this characteristic feature of blood circulation disorders a shock is called as a "crisis of microcirculation". But even this definition is not final. Taking into consideration that hypoperfusion leads to hypoxia of tissues, it is just inadequate tissue oxygenation that is considered as the central problem of shock. If to unwind further these judgements, it will be legitimate to consider the disorder of tissue metabolism as the final point in definition of shock right after a disorder of central hemodynamics and tissue hypoperfusion.
General rules of the organism's response to trauma: a trauma causes a reaction of the organism that is genetically defensive, but in case of strong stimulus this reaction becomes a source of pathological changes (Fig. 43).

1. Normal blood 2. Early shock 3. Late shock 4. Irreversible
circulation (1 phase) (2 phase) shock (3 phase)
1. Arteriole; 2. Capillaries; 3. Sphincters of arterioles; 4. A-V shunt; 5. Capillary sphincter; 6. Intravascular thrombi; 7. Necrosis of cells.
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