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Skull of new born

  1. The sructure of bone of cerebrall skull. The structure of temporal bone its canals. The internal base of the skull, its canals. The internal base of the skull, fosses, foramen

Fontanelles (fonticuli)-are remnants of the membranous stage: Anterior,Posterior, Sphenoid, Mastoid

-Sutures are not developed

-Air sinuses are not developed

-muscular tubercules are not developed

-The alveolar processes are not completely developed, mendibula consist of two parts

After the birth the growth of the skull passes through 3 priods:

1 - from birth to 7 years (is characterized by the intensive growth, mainly of the posterior part);

2-from 7 to 13-16 years (period of relative rest);

3 - from 13-1 6 to 20-23 years (intensive growth mainly, of the anterior part)

Some sexuall properties of the skull:

-The adult female's skull is:
a little lighter, smaller
its capacity is about 10% less
its walls are thinner and muscular ridges less marked
the glabella, superciliary
arches, mastoid processes
are less prominent
° air sinuses are smaller


° tympanic plates are smaller an

their margins less rough
° the upper orbital margins are


° the forehead is vertical

° the facial contour is rounder
° facial bones smoother

° the mandible 8 maxillae are



° Skulls are classified

according to the cephalic

(cranial) index as:

° short (brachycephalic)

° middle (mesocephalic)

° long (dolichocephalic)

The cephalic index is the ratio of the
breath to length in percents

The formula is: BIL x 100% = Cl up to 74.9 is the dolichocephalic - 75.0 to 79.9 is the mesocephalic - 90.0 to 84.9 is the brachycephalic

height to breadth of the facial skeleton
in percents

Three types of the visceral

cranium are distinguished:

° wide face (ar prazopfc type) - Fl

less than 85

° middle face (mesoprozopic

type) — FI of 85 -89.9

° narrow face (leptoprozopic type)

- FI above 90

Дата добавления: 2015-02-02 | Просмотры: 735 | Нарушение авторских прав

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