Skull of new born
Fontanelles (fonticuli)-are remnants of the membranous stage: Anterior,Posterior, Sphenoid, Mastoid
-Sutures are not developed
-Air sinuses are not developed
-muscular tubercules are not developed
-The alveolar processes are not completely developed, mendibula consist of two parts
After the birth the growth of the skull passes through 3 priods:
1 - from birth to 7 years (is characterized by the intensive growth, mainly of the posterior part);
2-from 7 to 13-16 years (period of relative rest);
3 - from 13-1 6 to 20-23 years (intensive growth mainly, of the anterior part)
Some sexuall properties of the skull:
-The adult female's skull is: a little lighter, smaller its capacity is about 10% less its walls are thinner and muscular ridges less marked the glabella, superciliary arches, mastoid processes are less prominent ° air sinuses are smaller
° tympanic plates are smaller an
their margins less rough ° the upper orbital margins are
° the forehead is vertical
° the facial contour is rounder ° facial bones smoother
° the mandible 8 maxillae are
° Skulls are classified
according to the cephalic
(cranial) index as:
° short (brachycephalic)
° middle (mesocephalic)
° long (dolichocephalic)
The cephalic index is the ratio of the breath to length in percents
The formula is: BIL x 100% = Cl up to 74.9 is the dolichocephalic - 75.0 to 79.9 is the mesocephalic - 90.0 to 84.9 is the brachycephalic
height to breadth of the facial skeleton in percents
Three types of the visceral
cranium are distinguished:
° wide face (ar prazopfc type) - Fl
less than 85
° middle face (mesoprozopic
type) — FI of 85 -89.9
° narrow face (leptoprozopic type)
- FI above 90
Дата добавления: 2015-02-02 | Просмотры: 735 | Нарушение авторских прав
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