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The uterus, or womb is
an unpaired hollow muscular organ situated in the cavity of the pelvis Be-
tween the urinary bladder in front and the rectum hehind. The oocyte entering
the uterine cavity through the uterine tubes undergoes further development
here if fertilized and remains in the uterus until delivery of the mature
foetus. In addition to this generative function, the uterus is also concerned
with menstrual activity.

A fully developed virgin uterus is pear-shaped and flattened from
front to back..A fundus, body, and neck are distinguished in it. The fudus
of the uterus (fungus uteri) is the upper part projecting ahove the line joining
the points of entrance of the tubes into the uterus. The body (corpus uteri) is
triangular, gradually narrowing toward the neck. The neck (cerves uteri) is
a continuation of the body hut is rounder and narrower. The external end
of the cervix projects into the upper part of the vagina and is called the
vaginal part (portio vaginalis). The upper segment of the neck with which
the body is continuous is called the supravaginal part (portiv supravagusalis).
The anterior and posterior surfaces are separated from each other by the
right and left borders (margo uteri dextra and margo uteri sinistra). Due to the
considerable thickness of the walls, the cavity of the uterus (eavum uteri)
is small in comparison with the sise of the organ.

On a frontal section, the uterine cavity has the shape of a triangle with
the hase directed at the fundus and the apex facing the neck. The tubes open
mto the angles of the fundus, while at the apex of the triangle the uterine
cavity is continuous with the cavity, or canal of the neeh (eanalis eervteis
uteri). The junction of the body with the neck is a narrowed part and is
called the isthmus (isthnucs uteri). The cervical canal communicates with
the cavity of the vagina by means of the uterine opening, external m uterl
(ostium uteri). The os uteri is round or transversely oval in nulli-
paras hut has the appearance of a transverse slit with healed tears on the
margins in women who have given birth to children. The cervical canal in
nulliparae is spindle-shaped. The ostium uteri, or mouth of the womb, is
hounded hy two itps, anterior and posterior (tubium anterius and labium
The posterior lip is thinner and projects downward less than the



Дата добавления: 2015-02-02 | Просмотры: 755 | Нарушение авторских прав

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