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The uterine, or Fallopian tube is a paired duct (oviduct) conveying the oocytes from the surface of the ovary, onto which they are discharged during ovulation, to the cavity of the uterus. Each tube is invested in a peritoneal fold, which is the upper portioa of the broad ligament of the uterus and is termed the mesentery of the tube, mesosalpinx The tube is 10-12 cm in length, on the average, the right tube usually being a little longer than the left one. The part of the tube nearer to the uterus runs horizontally for a distance of 1 or 2 cm but on reachiag the pelvic wall it carves around the ovary, first ascendiag on its anterior border and thea passing to the back and downward in close contact with the medial surface of the ovary. The following parts are distinguished in the tube: (1) uterine (pars utcrinu), the part embedded in the wall of the uterus; (2) isthmus, the nearest to the uterus uniformly constricted part (inner third of the tube) with a diameter of about 2-3 mm; (3) ampulla, the part continuous with the isthmus and gradually increasing in diameter (the ampulla accounts for approximately half of the length of the tube); (4) infundibulum, a continuation of the ampulla aad, in compliance with its name, is a funnelled expansion of the tube with numerous irregularly shaped proueses, called fimbriae tubae, on its margins. One of these fimbriae, the largest usually, stretches in the peritoneal fold and reaches the ovary and is termed fimbriae ovarica. At the apex of the infundibulum is a round opening into the abdominal cavity (ostium abdomiaale tubae), through which the oocyte discharged from the ovary enters the ampulla of the tube. Ia cadavers, this opening is 2-3 mm in diameter, but in uterine tubes removed during operation it is found to be physiologically closed. The opposite opea- ing of the tube, through which it opens into the cavity of the uterus, is called the uteriae opeaiag (ostium utcrinum tubae).
Structure of the wall of the tube. Immediately under the peritoneum, or serous coat (tunica serosa) is a connective-tissue coat (tunica subscrosa) containing vessels an'd nerves. Under the last-named is a opuscular coal (tunice muscuksris) consisting of two layers of smooth muscle fibres, an outer longitudinal and an inner circular layer; the circular layer is especially well developed in the part close to the uterus. The mucous coat (tunica mucoso) forms numerous longitudinal folds (plicoc tubariac) and is covered with ciliated epithelium whose cilia drive the contents of the tube in the direction of the uterus. The mucous coat is continuous with the mucous coat of the uterus on one ead and on the other end is in relation with the serous
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