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The heart: external and internal features, chambers and valves. Boundaries of heart, projection of valves of the heart on the anterior wall of the chest

  1. Arteries of arm and forearm. Topography, projection, branches, supply regions. Blood supply of elbow joint.
  2. Arteries of leg and foot: topography, projection, branches and supply region.
  3. Blood supply of the female internal sexual organs
  4. Classification of internal organs.
  5. Common, external, internal iliac arteries: topography, branches, supply region, anastomoses.
  6. Development of the heart. Anomalies of the development.
  7. External nose. Nasal cavity (olfactory and respiratory regions). Paranasal sinuses.
  8. External obstetrical examination (Leopold –Levitsky method)
  9. Fig. 13. Bringing the mandible out anteriorly.
  10. General plan of the structure of hearing, balancing organ, external and middle ear. Blood supply, innervations.

The heart is conical, hollow muscular organ, situated in the middle mediastinum, behind the body of sternum. External features: The rounded apex of heart – faces downward, to left, reaches 5th intercostal, is formed by left ventricle. B ase of heart – is formed by atria, in front: by the aorta and pulmonary trunk.

Surfaces: sternocostal surface – faces downward, upward, to left, located behind body of sternum and cartilages of 3rd to 6th ribs. Diaphragmatic surface – adjoins the central tendon at diaphragm.

Borders: upper border – is slightly oblique, formed by 2 atria. Right border: is formed by right atrium. Left border – is oblique and curved, formed by left ventricle. Inferior border – is nearly horizontal, formed by right ventricle.

Chambers: there’re 4 chambers.

The right atrium – cube – shaped. The inner surface is smooth, but also presents pectinate muscles. The left and right atria are separated by septum interatriale. On this septum the fossa ovalis is located.

Left atrium – adjoins to descending aorta and esophagus.

R ight ventricle: it looks like triangular pyramid. There is present tricuspid valve. Three cusps of the valve: cuspis anterior, posterior and septalis. Chordae tendineae are attached to them. This chordae are attached to papillary muscles. And blood from right ventricle enters pulmonary trunk with valve trunci pulmonalis.

Left ventricle: has conical shape. It is thicker for 2-3 times than right ventricle. Present bicuspid valve, also chordae tendineae is present, and 2 papillary muscles. The aortic valve is similar in structure to the valve of pulmonary trunk. The right and left ventricles separated by – septum interventriculare.

Дата добавления: 2015-02-02 | Просмотры: 2309 | Нарушение авторских прав

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