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Lymphatic vessels and nodules of the thoracic cavity. Thoracic lymphatic duct and right lymphatic duct

  1. Abdominal cavity. Topography of the Peritoneum above the mesocolon. Derivatives of Peritoneum at the upper compartment of the abdominal cavity.
  2. Fig. 4. Vertebra thoracica. Superior aspect.
  3. Fig. 5. Vertebra thoracica. Lateral aspect
  4. Joints of vertebrae. Vertebral column, as a whole: structure, curvatures, muscles moving the vertebral column their blood, nerve supply, lymphatic drainage.
  5. Liver and gall bladder: topography, structure, functions. Excretory channels of a liver and gall bladder. Blood supply, innervations, lymphatic drainage.
  6. Muscles and fascia of the neck: their structure, function, topography, blood and nerve supply, lymphatic drainage.
  7. Principe of the nerve supply of internals; interceptive analyzer. Nerve supply of organs of the abdominal cavity.
  8. Renal pelvic, ureter, urinary bladder. Their structure, topography, blood and nerve supply, lymphatic drainage.
  9. Stomach: topography, structure, blood and nerve supply, lymphatic drainage.

The lymphatic vessels of the superficial coats of the anterior and lateral walls of the thoracic cage are directed to the nodi lymphatici axillares. Parietal and visceral lymph nodes are present in the thoracic cage:

Visceral nodes are subdidived into 5 groups:

1. Nodi lymphatici mediastinales anteriores and posteriors;

2. Nodi lymphatici tracheales

3. Nodi lymphatici tracheobronchiales superiores and interiores

4. Nodi lymphatici bronchopulmonales

5. Nodi lymphatici pulmonales


Thoracic lymphatic duct:

Parietal nodes:

I. Nodi lypmphatici intercostales

II. Nodi lypmphatici parasternales.



The largest lymphatic vessel, known as Van Hoorne's canal; usually starts from level of second lumbar vertebra and extends to root of the neck. Right lymphatic duct: It drains lymphatic fluid from right thoracic cavity, the right arm, and from the right side of the neck and the head.



The structure of walls of the abdominal cavity. Morpho-functional characteristic of the skin covering of the walls of the abdomen. Weak places of the diaphragm and anterior abdominal wall. The sheath of the rectus abdominal muscle. White line of the abdomen.

Abdominal cavity is the space in the trunk below diaphragm, it is filled by abdominal organs.The diaphragm serve as superior wall of abdominal cavity and separate it from thoracic cavity. The anterior wall is formed by tendinous expansions of 3 broad abdominal and straight abdominal muscles. Lateral wall consists of: muscular portions three broad muscles of abdomen. Posterior wall is formed by lumbar segment of spine and psoas major and quadratus lumborum muscles. Abdominal cavity is subdivided into the abdominal cavity proper and pelvic cavity.

Дата добавления: 2015-02-02 | Просмотры: 1001 | Нарушение авторских прав

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