Fascia of the back
-fascia nuchae
-fascia thracolumbalis
49. Muscles & fasciae of the shoulder girdle: their structure, function, topography, blood & nerve supply, lymphatic drainage. Auxillary fossa, its walls and content. Triangles and foramens of the axillary fossa.
Extrinsic - Suspend scapula from the trunk.Stabilize and/or actively moves scapula
- Trapezius
- Levator Scapulae
- Rhomboid Major and Minor
- Serratus Anterior
- Pectoralis minor
A. Intrinsic - Attach scapula to humerus
- Deltoid
- Teres Major
- Rotator Cuff (active stabilization of shoulder joint)
- Supraspinatus
- Infraspinatus
- Teres Minor
- Subscapularis
- Attach trunk to humerus
- Latissimus dorsi
- Pectoralis Major
Nerve Lesions
Accessory nerve - innervates the trapezius muscle.
Dorsal Scapular nerve - innervates the rhomboideus muscles.
Long thoracic nerve - Innervates the serratus anterior muscle.
Suprascapular nerve - innervates the supraspinatus and infraspinatus muscles.
Axillary nerve - innervates the deltoid and teres minor muscles.
axillary fossa the hollow under the arm where it is joined to the shoulder
50. Muscles & fascae of the arm (brachial region), their structure, functions, topography, blood & nerve supply, lymphatic drainage. Humero-muscular canal.
1. M. deltoideus,
2M. supraspinatus
Function. Removes his hand, as a synergist m. deltoideus. (Inn. CV_VI. N. suprascapularis.)
3. M. infraspinatusFunktsiya. Supiniruet shoulder. (Iny. Cv_Vi-N. suprascapularis.)
4. M. teres minor function. As in the previous muscle. (Inn. Cy-Thv N. axillaris.)
5.M. teres major function. Pulls arm backward and downward, bringing her to the trunk, and rotates inside. (Inn. CV_VI. N. subscapularis.)
6. M. subscapularis, subscapularis muscle, takes its beginning all fades costalis blade and attaches to the tuberculum minus humerus. Function. Shoulder rotates inward (proniruet), and can also pull the joint capsule, preventing it from infringement. Last property have thanks to its fusion of the capsule and above the muscles attach to the greater tubercle of the humerus. (Inn. CV_VI. N. subscapularis.)
Important anastomoses axillary and subclavian arteries are:
1) a. circumflexa scapulae (from a. subscapularis) and a. suprascapular (from tr. thyrocervicalis);
2) a. circumflexa scapulae (from a. subscapularis) and a. transversa colli (from a. subclavia);
3) a. thoracica superior, a. thoracica lateralis, a. thoracodorsalis (from a. axillaris) and a. intercostalis suprema, rr. intercostales anteriores (from a. subclavia).
The main artery anastomoses upper limb:
1) a. suprascapularis (from tr. thyrocervicalis) and a. circumflexa scapulae (from a. subscapularis);
2) a. suprascapularis (from tr. thyrocervicalis) and a. thoracoacromialis (from a. axillaris);
3) ulnar articular network, rete articulare cubiti: aa. collaterales radialis et media (from a. profunda brachii) and aa. collaterales ulnares superior et inferior (from a. brachialis) and aa. recurrentes (from a. radialis et a. ulnaris);
4) rear chain wrist, rete carpi dorsale: rr. carpei dorsales (from a. radialis et a. ulnaris) and aa. interosseae anterior et posterior,
5) Network palmar wrist, rete carpi palmare: rr. carpei palmares (from a. radialis et a. ulnaris) and a. interossea anterior,
6) superficial palmar arch, arcuspalmaris superficialis: a. ulnaris and r. palmaris superficialis (from a. radialis);
7) deep palmar arch, arcus palmaris profundus: a. radialis and r. palmaris profundus (from a. ulnaris);
8) rami perforantes (from aa. Metacarpeae palmares) and aa. metacarpeae dorsales;
9) aa. digitales palmares propriae and aa. digitales dorsales.
51. Muscles & fasciae of the forearm, their structure, functions, topography, blood & nerve supply, lymphatic drainage.
1. M. pronator teres, pronator round begins from the medial epicondyle of the shoulder and tuberositas ulnae and attached to the lateral surface of the radius immediately above its mid function. Proniruet forearm and participates in its flexion. (Inn. Cvi_Vij. N. medianus.)
2. M. flexor carpi radialis, function. Produces bending of the hand and can also take the latest in radiation side in combination with other muscles. (Inn. Cvi-vh-N-medianus.)
3. M. palmaris longus, function. Tightens palmar aponeurosis and doubles brush. (Inn. Soup - Thv N. medianus.)
4. M. flexor carpi ulndrisFunktsiya. Together with m. flexor carpi radialis flexes brush and leads her (along with m. extensor carpi ulnaris). (Inn. Cwn - Thx. N. ulnaris, sometimes claim medianus.)
5. M. flexor digitorum superflcialis function. Flexes the proximal and middle phalanges (except large), as well as all the brush. (Inn. Cvin - Thh N. medianus.)
6. M. flexor pollicis longusFunktsiya. Flex nail phalanx of the thumb as well as brush. (Inn. N. medianus.)
7. M. flexor digitorum profundusFunktsiya. Flexes the middle and distal phalanges of fingers II-V, and is also involved in flexion. (Inn. Soup - Thx. N. medianus et n. Ulnaris.)
8. M. pronator quadratusFunktsiya. Is the main pronator forearm and round - subsidiary (Inn. CIV - Thv N. medianus.)
52. Muscles and fasciae of the hand, their structure, functions, topography, blood & nerve supply, lymphatic drainage. Bony-fibrous canals and synovial sheaths of the hand.
Muscles thenar.
1. M. abductor pollicis brevis, function. Removes thumb in carpometacarpal joint. (Inn. Cvi_vh-N. medianus.)
2. M. flexor pollicis brevis, function. Flexes the proximal phalanx of the thumb and partly opposes it. (Inn. superficial head N. medianus, deep head -N. Ulnaris.)
3. M. opponens pollicis, function. Contrasts the large pinky finger, pulling the palm of his metacarpal bone. (Inn. Cv_viii-N. medianus.)
4. M. adductor pollicis, muscle function. Leads and partly opposes thumb. (Inn N. ulnaris.)
Muscles hypothenar.
1. M. palmaris brevisFunktsiya. Tightens palmar aponeurosis. (Inn. Sush -- Thv N. ulnaris.)
2. M. adductor digiti minimiFunktsiya. Devotes little finger. (Inn. CVII and Thv N. ulnaris.)
3. M. flexor digiti minimi brevisFunktsiya. Flexion of the proximal phalanx of the finger V. (Inn. Soup -Thh N. ulnaris.)
4. M. opponens digiti minimiFunktsiya. Attracts little finger towards the thumb (opposition). (Inn. Cwn - Thh N. ulnaris.)
53. Muscles and fasciae of the pelvic, their structure, functions, topography, blood & nerve supply, lymphatic drainage. Topography of the pelvic muscles, suprapiriform, infrapiriform, greater & lesser sciatic foramens; vessels & nerves which come out from the pelvic through these foramens.
These muscles start pelvis, lumbar and sacral regions of the spinal column, surrounded on all sides hip and attached to the upper end of the femur.
Classification of pelvic floor topography
1. Internal pelvic muscles - mm. iliopsoas, piriformis, obturatorius internus.
2. External pelvic muscles - mm. gluteus maximus, gluteus medius, gluteus minimus, quadratus femoris, gemellus superior, gemellus inferior, tensor fasciae latae, obturatorius externus.
INTERNAL pelvic muscles
m. iliacus, Function: provides movement in the hip joint and rotates the thigh outward. For fixed hip flexes the lumbar spine and the pelvis tilts forward with the torso.
-m. psoas minor, Function: annoying fascia iliaca.
- M. piriformis, Function: rotates the thigh outward.
-m. obturatorius internus, Function: rotates the thigh outward.
-m. gluteus maximus, Function: extends the thigh, while turning it outwards, with hips.
-m. tensor fasciae latae, Function: ilio- tibial strains tract, flexes thigh.
-m. gluteus medius Function: removes the hip, front beams rotate it inside the rear - outside. In transferring punctum fixum this muscle on the hip pelvis tilts to the side.
-m. quadratus femoris Function: rotates the thigh outward.
-m. gemellus superior, Function: rotate the thigh outward.
- M. gluteus minimus, Function: removes thigh muscle bundles rotated front of his mouth, back - out.
-m. obturatorius externus, Function: rotates the thigh outward.
54. Muscles and fasciae of the thigh, their structure, functions, blood & nerve supply, lymphatic drainage. Topography of muscles of the thigh: muscular and vascular lacunae, femoral canal, adductor canal.
Femoris are divided into three groups: the front (the hip flexors and extensors of the tibia); medial (leading hip) and back (hip extensors and flexors of the tibia). Classification thigh topography:
1. The front group: m. sartorius, m. quadriceps femoris;
2. Medial group: m. gracilis, m. pectineus, m. adductor longus, m. adductor brevis, m. adductor magnus;
3. Posterior group: m. biceps femoris, m. semitendinosus, m. semimembranosus.
m. sartorius, Function: flexes the thigh and lower leg, bent leg rotates inward.
m. vastus medialisFunktsiya: m. quadriceps femoris - extends the shin; m. rectus femoris, moreover, the thigh flexes.
m. gracilis, Function: causes hip, flexes leg, with the flexed position of the knee lower leg turns inward.
m. pectineus Function: flexes thigh and leads.
m. adductor longus function: results thigh.
m. adductor brevis Function: leads and flexes thigh.
m. adductor magnus Function: leads thigh.
m. biceps femorisFunktsiya: together with other muscles of the posterior group extends the thigh, flexes goolen the knee bent leg rotates outward.
m. semitendinosus, Function: extends the thigh, flexes the leg while flexing the knee shin turns inward.
m. semimembranosus, Function: extends the thigh, flexes and rotates inside the shin; pulls the capsule of the knee flexion moment.
55. Muscles of the leg, their structure, functions, fasciae, topography, blood & nerve supply, lymphatic drainage. Cruro-popliteal canal. Musculo-peroneus canals (superior & inferior).
Anterior and lateral muscles of leg
· М. tibialis anterior n. peroneus profundus, a. tibialis anterior
· M. extensor digitorum longus n. peroneus profundus, a. tibialis anterior
· М. peroneus (fibularis) longus n. peroneus superficialis, aa. genus inferior lateralis peronea, tibialis anterior
· М. peroneus (fibularis) brevis Superficial fibular nerve, Fibular artery (peroneal artery)
· 1) М. triceps surae: m.gastrocnemius, m.soleus – n.tibialis, a.tibialis posterior
· 2) M.plantaris – n.tibialis, a.poplitea
· 3) M.flexor digitorum longus – n.tibialis, a.tibialis posterior
· 4) M.tibialis posterior – n.tibilais, a.tibialis posterior
· 5) M.flexor hallucis longus – n.tibialis, a.tibialis posterior (and a.fibularis?)
· Superficial veins: v.saphena magna, v.saphena parva, v.poplitea, v.marginalis lateralis, vv.subcutaneae cruris
· Superficial nerves: n.fibularis superficialis, n.saphenus, n.cutaneus surae, n.suralis
56. Muscles of the foot: structure, function, blood & nerve supply.
Plantar foot muscles. Form three groups: the medial (thumb muscle), lateral (little finger muscles) and the average lying in the middle of the sole.
a) The muscles of the medial group of three:
1. M. abductor hallucis,
(Inn. N. plantaris med.).
2. M. flexor hallucis brevis (Inn. Nn. plantares medialis et lateralis.)
3. M. adductor hallucis (N. plantaris lateralis.)
b) lateral muscles groups are among the two:
1. M. abductor digiti minimi, muscle
2. M. flexor digiti minimi brevis, (Inn. N. plantaris lateralis.)
c) The muscles of the middle group:
1. M. flexor digitorum brevis (Inn. N. plantaris medialis.)
2. M. quadrdtus plantae (m. flexor accessorius), (Inn. N. plantaris lateralis.)
3. Mm. lumbricales, (Innplantares lateralis et medialis.)
4. Mm. interossei, Functions: lead fingers and bred, but in a very limited extent. (Inn. plantaris lateralis.)
57. Morpho-functional characteristic of the skin covering of the head. Veins of the head & neck. Lymphatic vessels and nodules of the head & neck.
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