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The portal vein: its roots, topography, branches inside the liver. Cava-caval and porto-caval anastamoses. Age pecularities of portal vein

  1. Arteries of arm and forearm. Topography, projection, branches, supply regions. Blood supply of elbow joint.
  2. Arteries of leg and foot: topography, projection, branches and supply region.
  3. Cervical plexus: topography, branches, supply region.
  4. Common, external, internal iliac arteries: topography, branches, supply region, anastomoses.
  5. Liver and gall bladder: topography, structure, functions. Excretory channels of a liver and gall bladder. Blood supply, innervations, lymphatic drainage.
  6. Long branches of brachial plexus: nerves of the lateral funiculus, their topography, branches, supply regions
  7. Long branches of the sacral plexus. Ischial nerve and its branches: topography and supply regions.
  8. Muscles and fascia of the neck: their structure, function, topography, blood and nerve supply, lymphatic drainage.
  9. Pecularities of the structure of the myocardium of atria and ventricles. Conducting system of the heart. Blood and nerve supply of the heart.
  10. Renal pelvic, ureter, urinary bladder. Their structure, topography, blood and nerve supply, lymphatic drainage.

Portal vein collects blood from all unpaired organs of abdominal cavity, except liver. Portal vein is located in lig. Hepatoduodenale with hepatic artery and ductus choledochus. Portal vein receives vv. Gastricae sinistra, dextra and v. prepylorica, then divides in porta hepatis into 2 branches, which pass to parenchyma of liver, where spread into small branches – vv. Interlobulares. Numerous capillaries penetrate lobules and join vv. centrales.

The roots of portal vein anastomose with roots of veins from systems of superior and inferior vena cava. Porto-caval anastomosis:

When the portal vein is obstructed or the blood-flow through the liver impeded, the anastomoses between the portal and systemic veins provide alternative routes known as a collateral circulation. The following are the most important sites of portacaval anastomosis:

Cava - caval anastomoses - it anastomoses between systems upper and lower vena cava. There are three cava - caval anastomosis: Различают следующие анастомозы.
1. Вены передней брюшной стенки (vv. thoracoepigastriсае, vv. epigastricae superiores) из системы верхней полой вены в области пупочного кольца анастомозируют с vv. epigastricae inferieres, vv.epigastricae superficiales из системы нижней полой вены.

2. На задней стенке туловища имеются анастомозы между верхней и нижней полыми венами за счет позвоночных венозных сплетений. Эти сплетения в шейной части позвоночного столба соединяются с венами головы и шеи, которые являются ветвями системы верхней полой вены. В нижней части позвоночного столба позвоночные сплетения анастомозируют с поясничными венами, которые являются ветвями нижней полой вены.
3. На задней стенке туловища имеются анастомозы между поясничными венами (система нижней полой вены), непарной и полунепарной венами (система верхней полой вены) за счет восходящих поясничных вен и венозных сплетений позвоночного столба.


Porto-caval anastomoses - anastomoses between the veins, which belong to the system and portal vein hollow.

· Esophageal anastomosis: azygos (caval) — coronary or short gastric (portal)

· Paraumbilical anastomosis: paraumbilical vv. (portal) — epigastric vv. (caval)

· Rectal anastomosis: sup. hemorrhoidal (portal) — inf. & middle hemorrhoidal vv. (caval)

· Retroperitoneal anastomosis: visceral vv. of Retzius (portal) —parietal vv. (caval)


Дата добавления: 2015-02-02 | Просмотры: 1081 | Нарушение авторских прав

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