B. (trigonum colli laterale)
Skin within the triangle thin, mobile, elastic.
59. Hemispheres of the brain: grooves & gyruses of the dorso-lateral, medial & basal surfaces of the hemispheries.
Furrows and convolutions on the superolateral surface.
1. central sulcus (Rolandova)
2. predtsentralnaya sulci and gyri
3. the superior frontal gyrus and sulcus
4. middle frontal gyrus
5. inferior frontal gyrus and sulcus
6. tire
7. triangular portion
8. orbital surface
9. postcentral boron. and gyrus
10. intraparietal sulcus
11. verhnetemennaya slice
12. nizhnetemennoy slice
13. supramarginal gyrus (supramarginal)
14. angular gyrus
15. lateral sulcus (Sylvian)
16. superior temporal sulcus and gyrus
17. middle temporal gyrus
18. inferior temporal gyrus and sulcus
Fig. 23. Sulci and gyri on the medial surface
19. the corpus callosum and its groove
20. gray matter of the corpus callosum
21. podmozolistoe field
22. okolokonechnaya gyrus
23. Forest Belt. and gyrus
24. isthmus cingulate
25. hippocampal sulcus (dentate gyrus)
26. paracentral lobule
27. quader
28. wedge
29. temennozatylochnaya furrow
30. calcarine sulcus
31. tongue gyrus
32.parahippocampal gyrus and sulcus
33. hook
34. nasal groove
35. medial temporal- occipital
36. lateral temporo-occipital gyrus
37. temporo- occipital sulcus
Sulci and gyri bottom surface of the cerebral hemispheres
1. olfactory sulcus
2. straight gyrus
3. orbital fissure
4. orbital gyrus (Variable)
5. lower temporal sulcus
6. parahippocampal (collateral) sulcus
7. parahippocampal gyrus
8. temporo- occipital sulcus
9. calcarine sulcus
11. circular groove
12. central sulcus
13. dlinnnaya gyrus
14. short gyrus
60. Interbrain: compartments, external & internal structure. 3rd ventricle.
Midbrain, diencephalon, lies under the corpus callosum and vault, to grow together with the sides of the forebrain hemispheres. Accordingly, the above discussion of the functions and. Development of the forebrain, midbrain are two main parts: 1) the dorsal (phylogenetically younger) - thalamencephalon - center afferents and 2) ventral (phylogenetically older) - hypothalamus - the highest vegetative center. Third (III, 3) ventricle, ventriculus tertius, located just on the midline and on the front section of the brain looks like a narrow vertical slit. Sidewalls III ventricle formed the medial surface of the thalamus, which is almost midway between spreads adhesio interthalamica.
The front wall of the ventricle is below the lamina, lamina terminalis, and further up - columns vault (columnae fornicis) with white lying across the anterior commissure, commissura cerebri anterior. Laterally in front of the ventricular wall columns are brought together with the front ends of the thalamus limit interventricular holes, foramina intervetricularia, connecting cavity III ventricle lateral ventricles, resting in the hemispheres of the forebrain. The upper wall III ventricle, lying under the arch and the corpus callosum is a tela choroidea ventriculi tertii; into the latter includes underdeveloped brain bladder wall in the form of epithelial plate, lamina epithelialis, and fused it with the soft shell. On either side of the midline in tela chorioidea laid choroid plexus, plexus choroideus venticuli tertii. In the rear wall of the ventricle and are commissura habenularum commissura cerebri posterior, between which juts out into the caudal side blind projection ventricle, recessus pinealis. Commissura posterior ventral to the III ventricle opens into a funnel-shaped hole water.
The lower, narrow, wall III ventricle, delimited from the side walls inside grooves (sulci hypothalamici), from the base of the brain corresponds to the substantia perforata posterior, corpora mamillaria, tuber cinereum with chiasma opticum. In the bottom of the cavity of the ventricle forms two recesses: recessus infundibuli, jutting out into the gray hillock and into the funnel, and recessus opticus, lying in front of the optic chiasm. The inner surface of the walls is covered with ependyma III ventricle.
61Mesencephalon (midbrain): external & internal structure. Cerebral aqueduct.
As a result, the average human brain are: 1) subcortical centers of the nucleus and the nerves that innervate the muscles of the eyes, and 2) the subcortical auditory centers, and 3) all the ascending and descending pathways connecting the cerebral cortex to the spinal transit and walking through the midbrain; 4) bundles of white matter connecting the midbrain to other parts of the central nervous system. 1. Dorsal part of the roof of the midbrain, or plate colliculus, tectum mesencephali s. lamina quadrigemina. The top two hillocks, colliculi superiores, are subcortical centers of, both lower, colliculi inferiores,- subcortical centers hearing. tubercle becomes the so-called pen tubercle, brachium colliculi, directs laterally and anteriorly up to the intermediate brain. Handle top tubercle, brdchium colllculi superioris, goes under the pillow, pulvinar, the thalamus to the lateral geniculate body, corpus geniculatum laterale. Handle lower tubercle, brdchium colllculi inferioris, passing along the top edge to the trigonum lemnisci sulcus lateralis mesencephali, disappears under the medial geniculate body, corpus geniculatum mediale. Said geniculate bodies are already in the intermediate brain.
2. Ventral part of the brain stem, pedunculi cerebri, contains all the pathways to the forebrain.
3. Cavity of the midbrain, is a remnant of the primary cavity of the middle cerebral bubble, has a narrow channel called plumbing, aqueductus cerebri (Sylvii). It is narrow, lined with ependyma 1.5-2.0 cm long channel connecting IV ventricle with III. Dorsally limited plumbing roof of the midbrain, and ventral legs tire cord.
Internal structure of the midbrain. The cross section of the midbrain are three main parts of the brain stem: 1) roof plate, lamina tecti, formed colliculus, 2) tire, tegmentum, representing the upper section pedunculi cerebri; 3) ventral department pedunculi cerebri or proper brain stem, crus cerebri. Accordingly, the development of the midbrain under the influence of the visual receptor (EK Sepp) it laid multiple kernel related to the innervation of the eye.
Sylvian aqueduct is surrounded by the central gray matter, having the same function relating to the autonomic system. In it, under the ventral wall of the aqueduct, a tire brain stem nuclei of two laid motor cranial nerves - n. oculomotorius (III pair) at the level of the superior colliculus and n. trochlearis (IV pair) at the lower colliculus. Oculomotor consists of several departments respectively innervation of several muscles of the eyeball. Medially and posteriorly placed him another little too fresh, vegetative nucleus, nucleus accessorius or core Jakubowicz (Yakubovich described it in 1857 r., And Edinger Westphal earlier, the name of which it is incorrectly called) and unpaired median nucleus. Jakubowicz core and unpaired median nucleus innervate the smooth muscle of the eye, m. ciliaris and m. sphincter pupillae. This part refers to the oculomotor nerve of the parasympathetic system. Above (oral) nucleus of the oculomotor nerve in the brain stem is a tire core medial longitudinal fasciculus (kernel Darkshevich).
62. Grey and white matter of the endbrain. Associated, commissural and projection fibers.Basal nucleuses, internal capsule.Limbic system of the brain.
The ultimate brain (telencephalon), also known as big brain, consists of two hemispheres. Each hemisphere is made up of white matter (substantiaalbacerebri), formed by the processes of neurons and gray matter (substantiagriseacerebri). Part of the gray matter occurs in the sequence of the brain, close to its base, a so-called basal nuclei.
The white substance is formed by three groups of fibers:
1) The association fibers connect cortical areas within one hemisphere;
2) commissural fibers connecting the two hemispheres symmetrical sections, such as the corpus callosum, which includes most of the commissural fibers;
3) Projection fibers connect the cortex with which lie below departments: the projection of the cortex of sensory and motor centers directly from the cortical projection fibers form a radiate crown, and in between the basal nuclei and thalamus - the internal capsule (capsulainterna).
At first the corpus striatum appears as an undivided cellular mass, but during further development it becomes perforated by fibers which pass to and from the cerebral cortex. These fibers increase in number and finally form a massive bundle, the internal capsule, containing all the projection fibers connecting the pallium with the brain stem and spinal cord. This capsule divides the corpus striatum into two nuclear masses, a medial caudate nucleus and a lateral lenticular nucleus.
The Limbic System is the area of the brain that regulates emotion and memory. It directly connects the lower and higher brain functions. It influences emotions, the visceral responses to those emotions, motivation, mood, and sensations of pain and pleasure. The Limbic System is comprised of the following parts.
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