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Stomach: topography, structure, blood and nerve supply, lymphatic drainage

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Stomach – is a sac like expansion of the digestive tract. Topography: is situated in the epigastrium, its greater portion(to the left ). Structure: following portions are present: cardiac orifice – the opening of esophagus to the stomach, this portion is called pars cardiac; the distal aperture – pylorus and also pars pylorica. Also fundus (fornix of stomach); corpus ventriculi – body of stomach. Wall of stomach consists of 4 layers: 1) mucous coat; 2) submucous; 3) muscular coat; 4) serous coat. Mucous coat – contains special gastric glands. 2 types of glands: glandulae gastrica propriae; glandula pyloricae. Muscular coat is composed of unstriated muscle fibers.

Blood supply: arteries of stomach arise from celiac trunk and splenic artery. On the lesser curvature is anastomosis between the left gastric artery and right gastric artery. On the greater curvature – pass the left and right gastroepiploic artery. Short gastric arteries from splenic artery pass to the fundus of stomach.

Nerve supply: nerves of stomach are branches of vagus nerve and sympathetic trunk.

Lymphatic drainage: 1) from the greater area and body of stomach – the lymphatic vessels pass to the chain of left gastric lymph nodes. 2) the lymphatic from the remaining part of fundus and body of stomach to the middle of greater curvature follow the course of the left gastroepiploic artery. 3) the vessels from right half of greater curvature drain into gastric lymph nodes and into pyloric nodes.


The mesenteric portion of small intestine, its parts, structure, blood supply, innervations, lymphatic drainage. Distinctive characteristics of the small intestine from the large one.

The jejunum and ileum are intestinum tenue mesenteriale because this segment is attached by mesentery. The mesenteric part of small intestine is covered in front by omentum. The jejunum is larger in diameter, its walls are thicker and is richer in vessels. Structure: The mucous coat of small intestine has velvety appearance because of intestinal villi. The villi are projections of the mucous membrane. The number of villi is greater in jejunum. Numerous small tubular intestinal glands are embedded in mucous membrane. They secrete intestinal juice. The muscular coat is composed of 2 layers of smooth muscles: outer – longitudinal and inner – circular. Blood supply: arteries of small intestine – aa.intestinales jejunales and ilei arise from superior mesenteric artery. The venous blood flows along veins of the same name into portal vein.

Innervations: is accomplished from the vegetative NS. Three nerve plexuses: subserosal, myenteric, submucous plexuses. Lymphatic vessels: small intestine has lymphatic apparatus: folliculi lymphatici nodules, and aggregations called Peyer’s patches (found only in the ileum).


Дата добавления: 2015-02-02 | Просмотры: 1724 | Нарушение авторских прав

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