Hard palate
The hard palate is a thin horizontal bony plate of the skull, located in the roof of the mouth. It spans the arch formed by the upper teeth.
It is formed by the palatine process of the maxilla and horizontal plate of palatine bone.
Craniometry is concerned with the technique of measurement on the cranium and face of the skeleton. Craniometry includes measurement of different types, for example liner, angular, depth, volume, arc, etc. and hence, different types of instrument are needed to take different types of measurements. Some measurement are taken directly taken on the skull, while others are measured on the tracking of the skull. Direct measurements are taken allowing the skull to rest on a pad or by mounting it on a craniphore. Tracing is done with help of a set of instruments designed for the purpose.
Лицевой Индекс (Facial Height) -равен (Полная Лицевая Высота / Бизигоматик) * 100. Бизигоматик - максимальная ширина лица, измеряемая по удалению скуловых костей. Полная Лицевая Высота (Total Facial Height) -измеряется от точки Насион до низшей точки подбородка (Гнатион)
- Юрипросопик (Euryprosopic) = низко(коротко)-широколицы ~ < 84
- Мезопросопик(Mesoprosopic) =среднелицый ~ 84 - 88
- Лептопросопик(Leptoprosopic) = высоко(длинно)-узколицый ~ > 88
Цефальный Индекс (Cephalic Index, C.I.) -равен (Ширина / Длина)*100.
- Долихоцефальный (Dolichocephalic) = длинно-узко-головый ~ < 77
- Мезоцефальный (Mesocephalic) = длина чуть больше ширины, но не доминирует ~ 77 – 80
- Брахицефальный (Brachycephalic) = коротко-широко-головый ~ > 80
42. Joints of bones of the skull: sutures. The temporo-mandibular joint: structure of bones forming the joint. Shape, function, biomechanics & blood supply of the joint. Muscles, moving the joint, their arterial and nerve supply, lymphatic drainage.
A suture is a type of fibrous joint which only occurs in the skull (or "cranium"), where it holds bony plates together. Sutures are bound together by a matrix of connective tissues called Sharpey's fibres which grow from each bone into the adjoining one.
Primarily visible from the side (norma lateralis)
- Coronal suture - between the frontal and parietal bones
- Lambdoid suture - between the parietal and occipital bones and continuous with the occipitomastoid suture
- Occipitomastoid suture - between the occipital and temporal bones and continuous with the lambdoid suture
- Parietomastoid suture
- Sphenofrontal suture
- Sphenoparietal suture
- Sphenosquamosal suture
- Sphenozygomatic suture
- Squamosal suture - between the parietal and the temporal bone
- Zygomaticotemporal suture
- Zygomaticofrontal suture
Primarily visible from front (norma frontalis) or above (norma verticalis)
- Frontal suture / Metopic suture- between the two frontal bones, prior to the fusion of the two into a single bone
- Sagittal suture - along the midline, between parietal bones
Primarily visible from below (norma basalis) or inside
- Frontoethmoidal suture
- Petrosquamous suture
- Sphenoethmoidal suture
- Sphenopetrosal suture
The temporomandibular joint (articulatiotemis andibularis) is formed by the head of the mandible and the mandibular fossa of the temporal bone. The articulating surfaces are complemented by a fibrous articular disc (discus articularis) located between them. The edges of the disc are joined to the articular capsule as a result of which the joint cavity is separated into two isolated compartments. The articular capsule is attached along the border of the mandibular fossa up to the petrotympanic fissure and thus encloses the articular tubercle and embraces the neck of the mandible inferiorly. Near the temporomandibular joint are three ligaments only one of which, the lateral ligament (lig. tolerate), is directly related to the joint. It passes obliquely backward on the lateral side of the joint from the zygomatic process of the temporal bone to the neck of the condylar process of the mandible. The lateral ligament prevents excessive movement of the articular head to the back. The remaining two ligaments (fig. sphenomandibulare and fig. stylomandibulare) are at a distance from the joint and are actually not ligaments but artificially separated areas of fascia, which form a loop-like structure to help to suspend the inaudible. Both temporomentlibular joints function simultaneously and are there-fore a single combined articulation from the mechanical standpoint. The temporomandibuler articulation is a condyloid joint (Davies), but because of the articular disc, it permits movements in three directions. The mandible makes the following movements: (I) downward and upward movements with opening and closure of the mouth; (2) forward and backward movements; (3) lateral movements (rotation of the mandible to the right and to the left as it occurs in chewing).
Vessels and nerves. The joint is supplied with nutrients by a. maxillaris. The venous.blood-drains into the venous network (rete articularr mandibulae), surrounding the temporomandibular joint and from there into v. retromandibularis.
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