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Vagina and external female genitals organs

  1. Blood supply of the female internal sexual organs
  2. Classification of internal organs.
  3. Classification of the female sexual organs inflammatory diseases.
  4. Common, external, internal iliac arteries: topography, branches, supply region, anastomoses.
  5. External nose. Nasal cavity (olfactory and respiratory regions). Paranasal sinuses.
  6. External obstetrical examination (Leopold –Levitsky method)
  7. Gardnerella vaginalis mycoplasma hominis candida spp chlamydia trachomatis
  8. General plan of the structure of hearing, balancing organ, external and middle ear. Blood supply, innervations.
  9. Hindbrain. Pons: external and internal structure. Cerebellum: external and internal structure, nucleuses of cerebellum, their function. The cavity of the hindbrain.
  10. Prostate, seminal vesicles, bulbourethral glands. External genital organs in male.

External female genital organs: organs visible from the exterior these are: labia majora and minora, clitoris and hymen.

Vagina – musculo-fibrous tube about 8 sm, upper end embraces the uterine cervix lower end opens by means of ostium vaginae into pudendal cleft. Anterior and posterior walls of the vagina are in contact one with other, and uterine cervix projects into cavity of vagina above, a recess forms around the cervix and is the foxnix vaginae. Vagina is wider in upper part than lower. Upper portion of anterior vaginal wall adjoins fundus of bladder. Posterior wall is covered with peritoneum. Vaginal orifice is closed in virgins, by hymen femininus. Hymen is circular in shape. If its edges are fringed, is hymen fimbriatus; in rare cases hymen closes the entrance into vagina – is hymen imperforatus. In females (who have born child) – only small fragments of hymen remain around orifice – is called caruncule myrtiformes. Vaginal walls consist of 3 coats: outer coat consists of thick connective tissue; middle – thin muscular – consists of smooth muscle fibres; inner circular – mucous coat is covered by transverse ridges – known as vaginal rugae. These ridges fold to form 2 longitudinal columns of rugae. Vaginal mucosa is covered with stratified squamous epithelium and folliculi lymphatici vaginales are present.

Дата добавления: 2015-02-02 | Просмотры: 910 | Нарушение авторских прав

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