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Cavum medulare

  1. ПОЛОСТЬ НОСА (cavum nasi).

The compact substance forms the axtantal Iayer of the bone. while the spongy srdrstanc forms the internal layer. There is the cavity, called the merddular cavity

into the shaft of the long tubular bones. It contains the marrow (medulla osseumn)


(red manow) — present in

new-born and play blood -
forming function


(yellow marrow) — content of

bony cavity rn adret is rich

by fat cells.


-is thin a connective tissue plate

-consis t of 2 layers: external –fibrous and internal – osteogenic

-Sharpay’s fiber attach periosteum with bone

-By periosteum bone grows in thickness


Bones develop in
embryo at
slx, seven
weeks of the embryo-
genesis. The origin of
the development of
3 bones are sklerotoms (1) — medial portions
of somites, or medial
portions of the
segmental part of the
mesodermal layer.

Stages of development: 1-connective tissue (membranous) model 2- cartilaginous model, 3-bony stage

Kinds of ossification: Endesmal –in the connective tissue model

-Enchondral – in the cartilaginous model

-Perichondral – around cartilaginous model

-Periostal – around periostium

Chondral ossification of a long bone:

Endochondral ossification in the epiphysis

Perichondral ossification in the diaphysis

Дата добавления: 2015-02-02 | Просмотры: 912 | Нарушение авторских прав

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