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The structure of bones of the trunk. The structure of the vertebrae, properties of the structure of vertebrae form different portions of the vertebral column

  1. Bones of foot, structure, joints of bones of the foot. Arches of the foot and mechanisms strengthening arches of the foot. Flat food.
  2. Differential diagnostic of ectopic pregnancy.
  3. Fascia prevertebralis
  4. General plan of the structure of hearing, balancing organ, external and middle ear. Blood supply, innervations.
  5. Hindbrain. Pons: external and internal structure. Cerebellum: external and internal structure, nucleuses of cerebellum, their function. The cavity of the hindbrain.
  6. Induction into angiology. Basic principles of structure, branching and classification of blood. The microcirculatory bed.
  7. Joints of vertebrae. Vertebral column, as a whole: structure, curvatures, muscles moving the vertebral column their blood, nerve supply, lymphatic drainage.
  8. Liver and gall bladder: topography, structure, functions. Excretory channels of a liver and gall bladder. Blood supply, innervations, lymphatic drainage.
  9. Mediastinum: classification, walls. Topography of organs of the mediastinum, pericardium: structure, sinuses of pericardium.
  10. Muscles and fascia of the neck: their structure, function, topography, blood and nerve supply, lymphatic drainage.

Bones of the trunk: The 51 trunk bones consist of 26 vertebrae, 24 ribs, and the sternum. The 26 vertebrae comprise 7 cervical, 12 thoracic, and 5lumbar vertebrae, plus the sacrum and the coccyx. The 24 ribs comprise 14 true ribs, 6 false ribs, and 4 floating ribs. The sternum is the breastbone. Along with the bones of the head, also known as axial bones.

Skelton of the human trunk has ths following characteristic
features determined by the upright posture and the development of the upper
limb as an organ of labour:

(1) a vertical vertebral column with curvatures, particularly in the
sacral region, where an anterior prominence (promontorium) forms;

(2) gradual increase in the size of the vertebral bodies in the direction
from top to bottom where, in the region of their connection with the lower
limbs through the pelvic girdle they fuse to form a single bone, the sacrum,
consisting of live vertebrae;

(3) a wide and fiat thoracic cage with a predominant transverse dimen-
sion and an extremely small anteroposterior dimension.

Vertebral column: Central bony pillar of the body, Support the skull, pectoral girdle, upper limbs and the thoracic cage. Within its cavity lie the spinal cord, the roots of the spinal nerves, the covering – meninges.Composed of 33 vertebrae: 7cervical, 12 thoracic, 5 lumbar, 5 sacral, 4 coccygeal. It is flexible structure made up fibrocartilage called intervertebral disc

Дата добавления: 2015-02-02 | Просмотры: 786 | Нарушение авторских прав

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