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Abdominal cavity. Topography of the Peritoneum above the mesocolon. Derivatives of Peritoneum at the upper compartment of the abdominal cavity

  1. Arteries of arm and forearm. Topography, projection, branches, supply regions. Blood supply of elbow joint.
  2. Arteries of leg and foot: topography, projection, branches and supply region.
  3. Cervical plexus: topography, branches, supply region.
  4. Common, external, internal iliac arteries: topography, branches, supply region, anastomoses.
  5. Fig. 21. Inserted abdominal compression.
  6. Liver and gall bladder: topography, structure, functions. Excretory channels of a liver and gall bladder. Blood supply, innervations, lymphatic drainage.
  7. Long branches of brachial plexus: nerves of the lateral funiculus, their topography, branches, supply regions
  8. Long branches of the sacral plexus. Ischial nerve and its branches: topography and supply regions.
  9. Lymphatic vessels and nodules of the thoracic cavity. Thoracic lymphatic duct and right lymphatic duct.

Abdominal cavity is the space in the trunk below diaphragm, it is filled by abdominal organs.The diaphragm serve as superior wall of abdominal cavity and separate it from thoracic cavity. Abdominal cavity is subdivided into the abdominal cavity proper and pelvic cavity. Abdominal cavity is lined with serous membrane called the peritoneum. It is serous sac and consists of 2 layers: parietal and visceral peritoneum. Peritoneal cavity is usually divided into supracolic and infracolic compartment by the transverse colon and mesocolon. Supracolic compartment lies above the transverse mesocolon and contains the stomach, duodenum, liver and spleen. Upper storey of peritoneal cavity separates into 3 sacs: hepatic bursa, pregastric bursa, and omental bursa. Hepatic bursa is related to right lobe of liver and is separated from pregastric bursa by falcidorm ligament of liver. Pregastric bursa is related to lef lobe of liver, anterior surface of stomach, and spleen. Where peritoneum passes from spleen to stomach is gastrosplenic ligament and to diaphragm – lienorenal ligament. Omental bursa – lesser sac of peritoneum is part of general peritoneal cavity lying behind stomach and lesser omentum. Lesser omentum consists of peritoneal ligaments: hepatogastric ligament – passing from liver, porta hepatis and lesser curvature of stomach; hepatoduodenal ligament – connects hepatic porta with superior part of duodenum.


Дата добавления: 2015-02-02 | Просмотры: 1577 | Нарушение авторских прав

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