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Organ of vision: general plan of the structure of eye. Coats of the eye-ball, transparent medium of the eye-ball. Axillary apparatus of eye
Eyes are the organs of vision. They detect light and convert it into electro-chemical impulses in neurons. Eye consists of the eye-ball and axillary apparatus. According to the coats of eye-ball, I. fibrous coat forms an external sheath around the eyeball and plays a protective role. To this coat relates sclera and cornea. II. The vascular coat of the eyeball is rich in vessels, soft, dark-colored by the pigment contained in it. To this we can say choroid, the ciliary body and the iris. III. Retina is the innermost of the three coats of eyeball adhering to the vascular coat along its entire length.
Transparent media of eyeball are vitrous body (jelly-like substance which fills the space between the lens and retina), lens (transparent convexo-convex corpuscle which is very important light-refracting medium of the eyeball), the chambers of the eye (the space between anterior and posterior surface of cornea).
The auxiliary apparatus (eyelids, lacrimal organs, and muscles that move the eyeball). Eyelids are kind of sliding shutters protecting the eyeball anteriorly. The conjunctiva of eye covers the whole posterior surface of the eyelids. The lacrimal apparatus consists of the lacrimal glands, which excretes tears into the conjunctiva sac. The lacrimal sac is the upper blind end of the nasolacrimal duct which lies in a special bony depression at the medial angle of the orbit.
Дата добавления: 2015-02-02 | Просмотры: 1216 | Нарушение авторских прав
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