АкушерствоАнатомияАнестезиологияВакцинопрофилактикаВалеологияВетеринарияГигиенаЗаболеванияИммунологияКардиологияНеврологияНефрологияОнкологияОториноларингологияОфтальмологияПаразитологияПедиатрияПервая помощьПсихиатрияПульмонологияРеанимацияРевматологияСтоматологияТерапияТоксикологияТравматологияУрологияФармакологияФармацевтикаФизиотерапияФтизиатрияХирургияЭндокринологияЭпидемиология
Regional Alliances for Collective Security
The largest modern regional alliances for collective securityare the EU, OSCE, NATO, WEU, OAU, and OAS.
The members of the European Union (EU) cooperate in three areas, often referred to as pillars. At the heart of this system is the EC pillar with its supranational functions and its governing institutions. The EC pillar is flanked by two pillars based on intergovernmental cooperation: Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) and Justice and Home Affairs (JHA). These two pillars are a result of the Maastricht agreement to develop closer cooperation in these areas. However, because the members were unwilling to cede authority to supranational institutions, policy decisions in these pillars are made by unanimous cooperation between members and cannot be enforced. For the most part, the governing institutions of the EC pillar have little or no input in the other two.
The Organization on Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), formerly known as the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE), is a multinational forum for the promotion of peace, security, justice, and cooperation in Europe. The OSCE takes an active role in Europe, not only discussing problems, but also organizing missions and helping to resolve violence throughout Europe. The OSCE major permanent bodies are: the Secretariat (in Prague, the Czech Republic), the Conflict-Resolution Centre (in Vienna, Austria), and the Election-Monitoring Office (in Warsaw, Poland).
The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) is a regional defense alliance, created by the North Atlantic Treaty that was signed on April 4, 1949. The original signatories were Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, the United Kingdom, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, The Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, and the United States. Greece and Turkey were admitted to the alliance in 1952, West Germany in 1955, and Spain in 1982. In 1990 the newly unified Germany replaced West Germany as a NATO member. Hungary, Poland, and the Czech Republic became members of NATO in 1999. The organization has its headquarters in Brussels, Belgium. NATO’s purpose is to enhance the stability, well-being, and freedom of its members through a system of collective security. That is, members of the alliance agree to defend one another from attack by other nations. Over the years the existence of NATO has led to closer ties among its members and to a growing community of interests. The treaty itself has provided a model for other collective security agreements.
2. What is collective security?
3. What are the principles of collective security?
4. What is the relationship between the collective, regional, and international security?
5. What actors of collective security do you know?
| Read, decipher and translate abbreviations
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| Translate into Ukrainian
| To defend each other against aggressors; somewhat; the principles of collective security; the ideology of relative pacifism; early in the 20th century; to use force; in certain circumstances; to use force in certain circumstances; the theory of collective security; to call for sth; supporters/advocates/proponents; readiness; to establish regional and international alliances; peace-loving nations; peace violators; to enforce sanctions; to give impetus to collective security; in modern times; the development of nuclear weapons; the use of nuclear weapons; to be faced with the possibility of total nuclear war; to ban nuclear weapons; nuclear weapons testing; nuclear weapons production; to ban nuclear weapons production and testing; to support all international organizations; an elaborate machinery; to have more elaborate machinery for keeping the peace; a broad and complex topic; relationships with other nations; variables; to be influenced by many variables; international security relations; national leaders; private citizens; to be affected by sth; domestic political events; to be responsible for sth; primarily; to maintain international peace and security; to order enforcement action; the breach of peace; economic sanctions; military measures; to be brought before the Security Council; UN member nations; to participate in the discussion without a vote; to serve nonconsecutive two-year terms.
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| Translate into English
| Чергуватися за географічним принципом; голосування “за”; голосування “проти”; приймати резолюцію; рішення з процедурних питань; суттєві питання; з усіх суттєвих питань; підтримувати резолюцію; право вето великих держав; прийом нових членів; призначення нового Генерального секретаря ООН; обирати суддів; постійні комітети; спеціальні комітети; члени Європейського Союзу; міжурядове співробітництво; Маастрихтська угода; розвивати тісне співробітництво; наднаціональні структури; передавати повноваження; передавати повноваження наднаціональним структурам; керівні структури; мати незначний вплив на щось; не мати впливу на щось; багатонаціональний форум; правосуддя; сприяння миру, безпеці, правосуддю та співробітництву; Центр врегулювання конфліктів;Офіс моніторингу за виборами; регіональний оборонний альянс; сторони, що першими підписали угоду; бути прийнятим до альянсу; штаб-квартира; покращувати стабільність, добробут і свободу; захищати один одного від нападу інших країн; спільність інтересів.
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| Translate quickly
| Collective security; регіональна безпека; pacifism; пацифіст; regional alliances; міжнародні союзи; settlement; дійти згоди; peace-loving nations; роззброювання; actors; суб’єкти колективної безпеки; nongovernmental organization; Рада Безпеки ООН; the United Nations Charter; країна-член ООН; permanent members; Генеральна Асамблея; the UN Secretary General; Міжнародний Суд ООН; ad hoc committee; застосування сили; pillar; наднаціональний; supranational functions; сторона, що підписала (угоду, договір); headquarters; право вето великих держав; international machinery; прихильники ідеї колективної безпеки; regional security; регіональні союзи; to make settlements; миролюбні держави; nuclear disarmament; неурядова організація; collective security actors; Статут ООН; member nations; Генеральний секретар; the International Court of Justice; напрям співробітництва ЄС; signatory; наднаціональні функції; the veto right of the great powers; штаб-квартира.
| Build up your vocabulary
| alliance
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