Facing, Steps and Marching
All marching movements executed from the halt are initiated from the position of attention. Except for route step march and at ease march, all marching movements are executed while marching at attention. Marching at attention is the combination of the position of attention and the procedures for the prescribed step executed simultaneously.
When executed from the halt, all steps except right step begin with the left foot. For short-distance marching movements, the commander may designate the number of steps forward, backward, or sideward by giving the appropriate command: One step to the right (left), MARCH; or, Two steps backward (forward), MARCH. On the command of execution MARCH, step off with the appropriate foot, and haltautomatically after completing the number of steps designated. Unless otherwise specified, when directed to execute steps forward, the steps will be 30-inch steps.
All marching movements are executed in the cadence of quick time(120 steps per minute), except the 30-inch step, which may be executed in the cadence of 180 steps per minute on the command Double time, MARCH. A step is the prescribed distance from one heel to the other heel of a marching soldier.
To face the men at a halt to the flank or rear, the commands are Right(Left), FACE or About, FACE. To face in marching the following commands are used: Right (Left)flank, MARCH; Rear, MARCH. To change the direction of a column 90 or 45 degrees, the commands Column right (left), MARCH or Column half right (half left), MARCH are given. The interval between the preparatory command and the command of execution is normally one step or count.
To march forward the commands are Forward, MARCH or Double time, MARCH. To march or double time in place, the commands are accordingly Mark time, MARCH; In place, double time, MARCH.
To haltwhile marching,the command Squad (Platoon), HALT is given. The preparatory command Squad (Platoon) is given as either foot strikes the marching surface as long as the command of execution HALT is given the next time that foot strikes the marching surface. The haltis executed in two counts. After HALT is commanded, execute the additional step required after the command of execution and then bring the trail foot alongside the lead foot, assuming the position of attentionand terminating the movement.
To marchwith a 15-inch step from the halt,the command is Half step, MARCH. To marchwith a 15-inch step backward, the command is Backward, MARCH. The command is given only while at the halt.On the preparatory command Backward, shift the weight of the body without noticeable movement onto the right foot. On the command of execution MARCH, take a 15-inch step backward with the left foot and continue marchingbackward with 15-inch steps. The arms swing naturally. The haltfrom backward march isexecuted in two counts, basically the same as the haltfrom the 30-inch step.
The appropriate commands for changing the step or marching other than at attention are: Changestep, MARCH (the command is given as the right foot strikes the marching surface); Route step, MARCH (one is not required to maintain silence or stay in step); At ease, MARCH (silence must be maintained, but one may stay out of step).
Before starting any movement of armed troops, the weapons are brought to the right or left shoulder, sling or other positions. The appropriate commands are Right(Left)shoulder (or Sling), ARMS; Order, ARMS; Present, ARMS.
1. What is drill training designed for?
2. How is the term "ceremonies" defined in FM 22-5?
3. What commands are given to indicate the movement that is to be executed?
4. How are soldiers trained to develop their proficiency in marching?
5. Why do most drill commands have two parts: the preparatory command and the command of execution?
6. What is the command to form an element?
7. How can an instructor take command of an element?
8. What is the command to resume the previous position?
9. What position are movements initiated from?
| Match the terms with the definitions and translate them
| 1. Space between elements in the direction of depth.
| Center
| 2. Cadence at the rate of 180 steps per minute.
| Column
| 3. A formation in which the elements are placed one behind another.
| Depth
| 4. The space from head to rear of any formation or of a position, including the leading and rear elements. The depth of a man is assumed to be 12 inches.
| Distance
| 5. The element on which a movement is regulated.
| Double time
| 6. The middle point or element of a command.
| Element
| 7. The right or left of a command in line or in column, or the element on the right or left of the line.
| File
| 8. Arrangement of the elements of a command. The placing of all fractions in their order in line, in column, or for battle.
| Flank
| 9. A squad, section, platoon, company, or larger unit, forming a part of a still larger unit.
| Formation
| 10. A column of men one behind the other.
| Front
| 11. Space between individuals or elements of the same line.
| Guide
| 12. An officer, noncommissioned officer, or private upon whom the command (or elements there of) regulates its march.
| Head
| 13. The left extremity or element of a body of troops.
| Interval
| 14. The space occupied by an element measured from one flank to the opposite flank. The front of a man is assumed to be 22 inches.
| Left
| 15. The leading element of a column.
| Line
| 16. A step of 30 inches; the length of the full step in quick time.
| Mass formation
| 17. Cadence at the rate of 120 steps per minute.
| Pace
| 18. A formation in which the different elements are abreast of each other.
| Piece
| 19. A line of men placed side by side.
| Quick time
| 20. A formation of a company or battalion in which the squads in column are abreast of one another.
| Rank
| 21. A rifle or the automatic rifle.
| Right
| 22. A distance measured from heel to heel between the feet of a man walking. The half step and back step are 15 inches.
| Step
| 23. The right extremity of a body of troops.
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| Translate into Ukrainian
| “ Forward, MARCH”;the guide; command of execution; to shift the weight of the body; to take the step off; exaggeration of movements; the quick time; the side step; " Mark time, MARCH; to face to the right; to execute the same movement simultaneously.
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| Translate into English
| Повороти під час руху; стройове положення зі зброєю; змінювати швидкість руху; виконувати військове вітання чітко і бадьоро; прикладати праву руку до головного убору; елемент стройового прийому; торкатися нижнього краю головного убору; положення “на плече”.
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| Translate quickly
| Drill; рухатись організовано; rank; подавати команду; alignment; похідний крок; ceremonies; рух бігом; стройовий огляд; the manual of arms; вирівнюватися; to march in step; cadence; багнет; cohesion; рух зi зброєю; витримувати дистанцію; arm's length; нижній край головного убору; прикласти руку до головного убору; ставити ногу на землю; повернутися кругом; припинити рух; позначати крок на місці; почати рух; переносити вагу тіла; the right heel; похідний крок; the person saluted; “ВІДСТАВИТИ”; hand salute; right step; to strike the ground; exaggeration of movements.
| Build up your vocabulary
[Middle English commaunden, from Old French comander, from Late Latin commandіre ]
v. command
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