C-130 Hercules
In continuous production since the 1950s, the C-130/Hercules is one of the most capable air-lifters (військово-транспортний літак) of all time. They carry troops, vehicles, and armament into battle. They drop paratroopers (десантники) and supplies. They serve as airborne (повітряний) and ground refuelers (паливозаправник). They provide emergency evacuation and humanitarian relief. They do airborne early warning (дальнє радіолокаційне виявлення) and maritime surveillance (спостереження за морським простором). They wear skis during operations at both poles. In the history of aviation design, if there is a symbol for strength, durability (зносостійкість), and multi-mission success, surely it is the C-130/Hercules.
In its personnel carrier role, the C-130 can accommodate 92 combat troops or 64 fully equipped paratroops on side-facing seats.
Design Features
FUSELAGE: The fuselage is a semimonocoque (балково-стрінгерний) design and divided into a flight station and a cargo compartment. Seating is provided for each flight station. Loading is from the rear of the fuselage. Both the flight station and the cargo compartment can be pressurized to maintain a cabin pressure-altitude of 5000 feet at an aircraft altitude of 28,000 feet.
WINGS: The full cantilever (консоль) wing contains four integral main fuel tanks and two bladder-type auxiliary tanks (два додаткових паливних бака з еластичною розподільною діафрагмою). Two external tanks are mounted under the wings. This gives the C-l 30 a total usable fuel capacity of approximately 9680 U.S. gallons.
EMPENNAGE (хвостове оперення): A horizontal stabilizer, vertical stabilizer, elevator, rudder, trim tabs (тример), and a tail cone (хвостове сопло) make up the empennage. This section consists of an all-metal full cantilever (консольний) semimonocoque structure. It is bolted to the acft fuselage section.
POWER PLANT: Four Allison turboprop engines (турбогвинтовий двигун) are attached to the wings. The engine nacelles have cowl panels (кришка гондоли двигуна).
PROPELLERS (повітряний гвинт): Four Hamiliton standard electro hydromantic, constant-speed (з незмінною швидкістю обертів), full feathering (оперення), reversible-pitch (реверсивний крен) propellers are installed on each engine.
LANDING GEAR (шасі) AND BRAKES: The modified tricycle-type landing gear (триколісне шасі) consists of dual nose gear wheels and tandem mains. The brakes are hydraulically (гідравлічні) operated multiple-disc (багатодисковий) type. The braking system incorporates differential braking (гальмо диференціалу) and parking brake (стоянкове гальмо) control.
OIL: The C-130 has four independent oil systems with a 12 gallon capacity for each engine.
FUEL: The fuel system consists of a modified manifold-flow type (трубопровідний-циркулярний тип).
AIR CONDITIONING (кондиціювання повітря) AND PRESSURIZATION (герметизація): Two independent air conditioning systems for the flight deck (кабіна екіпажу) and cargo compartment are operated from engine bleed air in flight and by the GTC/APU on the ground.
FLIGHT CONTROLS: The primary flight control system consists of conventional aileron, elevator, and rudder systems.
WING FLAPS: The wing flaps are lockheed-fowler type (замково-висувний тип) and are of conventional design and construction. Normal operation is by hydraulic motor. Emergency operation is by manual crank (ручний важіль).
ANTI-ICING: Engine bleed air (повітря, що випускається двигуном) is used for anti-icing the wing and empennage leading edges, the radome (обтічник), and engine inlet air ducts (канал). Electrical heat provides anti-icing for the propellers, windshield, and pitot tubes (пітометр).
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