| Levels
Studying literature’s sources on a given topic and information processing maximum 30-p
| Examined and cultivated recommended literature sources (primary and secondary), specified in reference list to a given topic. Used other modern sources of information, including domestic and foreign, at the end of glossary must be a correct list of information sources.
| Examined and cultivated recommended literature sources (primary and secondary), specified in reference list to a given topic. at the end of glossary must be a correct list of information sources.
| (15 - 22 b)
Examined and cultivated, not all the recommended literature sources (primary and secondary)
listed in references to a given topic.
| (0-14b)
There is no any list of information sources.
Making glossary
Max-40 points
| (36-40p)
All the chosen terms completely match the theme, covering all the content and student self-selected.
| (36-40p)
All the chosen terms completely match the theme, covering all the content and student self-selected.
| (20 -29 p)
Some terms do not match the theme, chosen terms cover the full content
| (0-19p)
chosen terms cover the content of the topic.
Less than 50%
Designing glossary
Max-30 p
| (18 - 20 p)
Making a glossary which match the requirements:
• At least 50 well-chosen (as relevant) terms;
• Brief, clear, concise, with no secondary explanatory definitions, no more than 2-3 volume of sentences.
•agreements of definition with real term meaning, and modern ideas;
• All terms and definitions do not contain grammatical errors;
• in case of need to improve the perception and understanding, certain terms may be accompanied by illustrations.
| (15-17p)
Making a glossary generally corresponds to the requirements, but there are minor errors and inaccuracies:
• Some terms have a three-dimensional formulation and unnecessary explanations
• Not all terms match the modern concepts, there are some grammatical errors.
| (10 - 14 p)
For glossary designing allowed significant errors.
| (0-9 p)
Making the glossary does not meet the requirements.