Theme #18. Hereditary diseases treatment
2. The aim: to study contemporary methods of hereditary diseases treatment.
3. The tasks:
3.1. Hereditary diseases classification.
3.2. Contemporary methods of hereditary diseases diagnostics and prevention.
3.3. Principles of hereditary diseases treatment.
4. Performance form: abstract work.
5. Performance criteria:
а) studying and selection of recent literary sources;
b) information processing and systematization;
c) plan designing;
d) bibliography compiling;
e) abstract and/or project work making up.
The structure of abstract work:
1) the title page (made up in due form);
2) the table of contents (consecutive statement with indication of the main sections page numbers);
3) introduction (substantiation of the researched problem, its importance and urgency; determination of the aims and tasks of work);
4) the main part (each section should reveal evidentially a particular problem or one of its aspects, be logic continuation of the previous material; tables, schemes, diagrams, figures can be presented in this section or they can be executed as annex to abstract work);
5) conclusion (the results are summed up, the deductions are formulated and recommendations are suggested);
6) the list of bibliography (made up in due form).
Requirements to abstract work design:
а) the volume of abstract work should not exceed 10-15 printing pages (annexes are not included into a paper volume);
b) a text of abstract work should be carefully edited and grammatically verified;
c) references should be presented in numbers, corresponding to the number in the list of bibliography;
d) the list of bibliography should be at the end of a text according to order of appearance.
6. Deadline: before the midterm control on the chapter “Fundamentals of medical genetics”.
7. Criteria of assessment: - 100 points at maximum that corresponds to 100%
8. Bibliography:
8.1. Бочков Н.П. Клиническая генетика. М., 2004.
8.2. Введение в молекулярную медицину. Под ред. Пальцева М.А. М., 2004.
8.3. Гинтер Е.К. Медицинская генетика. М., 2003.
8.4. Лильин Е.Т. и др. Генетика для врачей. М., 1990.
8.5. Медицинская биология и генетика. Под ред. Куандыкова Е.У., А., 2004.
8.6. Иванов В.И. и др. Генетика. М., 2006.
8.7. Заяц Р.Г., Бутвиловский В.Э., Рачковская И.В., Давыдов В.В. Общая и медицинская генетика. Ростов-на-Дону. 2002.
8.8. Умнов Д.Е. Медицинская генетика. М., 2005.
8.9. Хандогина Е.К. и др. Основы медицинской генетики. М. 2004.
8.10. Фогель Ф., Мотульски А. Генетика человека. 2 том. М., 1990.
8.11. Щипков В.П., Кривошеина Г.Н. Общая и медицинская генетика. И., 2003.
9. Check:
9.1. Hereditary diseases treatment. Symptomatic treatment of hereditary diseases.
9.2. Pathogenetic treatment of hereditary diseases.
9.3. Etiological treatment of hereditary diseases.
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