Theme: Fundamentals of Pharmacogenetics
2. Object: Form students’ knowledge of the individual character of medicines action depending on peculiarities or patient’s genetic constitution (genotype)
3. Educational Tasks:
- familiarize the students with the concepts of pharmacological genetics, genetic control of medicine’s metabolism;
- explain the essence of pharmacogenetics as the science studying the role of genes (genotypes) in formation of response of the patient’s organism to introduction of a medicine and efficiency of its action;
- explain the mechanisms of genetic control of different stages of medicine’s metabolism in the patient’s organisms (by example of treatment of patients with tuberculosis with Isoniazid;
- demonstrate the role of genetic factors and formation of organism’s response to intake of medicinal preparations by example of some blood system hereditary diseases (methemoglobinemia, hemolytic anemia), liver (porphyria), etc.;
- teach students to use the knowledge received in their practical activity, namely, prescribe medicaments with taking into account of the patient’s genotype;
- familiarize students with the legal requirements to safety of medicinal preparations.
4. Principal Questions of the Theme:
a. Significance of pharmacogenetics in modern medicine and pharmacy
b. Genetic control of metabolism of medicinal preparations
c. Hereditary diseases and states provoked by intake of medicinal preparations
d. New possibilities of personalization of use of medicines in practice
5. Methods of Teaching: combined method of education (conversation, solution of situation problems)
6. Literature:
a. Bochkov N.P. Clinical Genetics. M., 2006, pp. 309-322.
b. Bochkov N.P. Pharmacogenetics in Paediatrics. Paediatrics. No 3, 2004, pp. 4-7.
c. Ginter Y.K. Medical Genetics, M., 2003, pp. 340-348.
d. Chshipkov V.P., Krivosheina G.N. General and Medical Genetics. M., 2003, pp. 211-216.
6.1. Gavrilova S.I. Pharmacogenetic Approaches to Therapy of Alzheimer’s disease. Bulletin of the RAMS, № 9-10. 2006, pp. 30-33.
6.2. Lilin Y.T. et al. Genetics for Physicians. M., 1999, pp. 176-193.
6.3. Lyakhovich V.V. et al. Pharmacogenetics and Modern Medicine. Bulletin of the RAMS, № 10.2004, pp. 40-45.
6.4. Fogel F., Motulski A. Human Genetics. V 2, M.,1990, pp. 108-115.
Molecular Biology of the Cell. V.1. M., 1994, pp.3-15.
7. Control:
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