Theme #3. The fundamentals of genetic engineering
2. The aim: to form at students ideas of the basic principles and methods of genetic engineering technology and their application in medicine.
3. The tasks:
3.1. Allocation of the set gene DNA from a genome.
3.2. Transfer of genes into the cells of other organisms.
3.3. Transgene plants.
3.4. DNA diagnostics.
3.4. Gene therapy of hereditary diseases.
4. Performance form: glossary compiling.
4.1. Alternative splicing - _____________________________________
4.2. Amplification - _________________________________________
4.3. Antigen - _______________________________________________
4.4. Autoradiography - ______________________________________
4.5. Bacteriophage - ___________________________________________
4.6. Blotting - _________________________________________________
4.7. Vector - ________________________________________________
4.8. Genetic code - ___________________________________________
4.9. Genetic engineering - _____________________________________
4.10. Gene - __________________________________________________
4.11. Genome - ________________________________________________
4.12. Gene bibliotheque - _______________________________________
4.13. Gene therapy - _________________________________________
4.14. Hybridome - ___________________________________________
4.15. DNA polymerase - ______________________________________
4.16. Intron - _______________________________________________
4.17. DNA cloning - __________________________________________
4.18. Mapping - _____________________________________________
4.19. Complementary DNA - ____________________________________
4.20. Cosmide - ______________________________________________
4.21. Genetic code - _________________________________________
4.22. Codon (triplet) - ________________________________________
4.23. Ligase - ______________________________________________
4.24. “Cohesive” ends - ________________________________________
4.25. Complementarity - ______________________________________
4.26. Locus - ________________________________________________
4.27. Methylation - __________________________________________
4.28. DNA marker - ___________________________________________
4.29. Modification - __________________________________________
4.30. Mutagen - ______________________________________________
4.31. Mutation - ______________________________________________
4.32. Cistron - ______________________________________________
4.33. Nucleotide - _____________________________________________
4.34. Northern blotting - ________________________________________
4.35. Gyrase - _______________________________________________
4.36. Polymorphism - __________________________________________
4.37. Promoter - ______________________________________________
4.38. Reverse transcriptase - ____________________________________
4.39. Restriction - ____________________________________________
4.40. Recombinant DNA - _____________________________________
4.41. Plasmid - _____________________________________________
4.42. PCR - __________________________________________________
4.43. Screening - _____________________________________________
4.44. Splicing - ______________________________________________
4.45. Restriction site - _______________________________________
4.46. Southern blotting - ______________________________________
4.47. Transgenic organism - ___________________________________
4.48. Transduction - __________________________________________
4.49. Transformation - ________________________________________
4.50. Selective medium - ____________________________________
4.51. Phasmid - _______________________________________________
4.52. Chromatin - _____________________________________________
4.53. Chromatids - ____________________________________________
4.54. Chromosomes - ___________________________________________
4.55. Exon – ________________________________________________
4.56. Gene expression - _______________________________________
4.57. Electrophoresis - _________________________________________
4.58. Nuclear genetics - ______________________________________
4.59. Endonuclease - _________________________________________
4.60. Exonuclease - __________________________________________
5. Performance criteria:
а) studying of basic literary sources on the researched problem;
b) information processing;
c) glossary compiling and design;
Requirements to glossary design:
а) the volume of glossary should include not less than 50 terms and definitions;
b) definitions should be complete and brief, without extra explanations.
6. Deadline: before the midterm control on the chapter “Molecular cytobiology”.
7. Criteria of assessment: - 100 points at maximum that corresponds to 100%
8. Bibliography:
8.1. Албертс Б. и др. Молекулярная биология клетки. М., 1994.
8.2. Алиханян С.И., Акифьев А.П. Общая генетика. М., 1985.
8.3. Гинтер Е.К. Медицинская генетика. М., 2003.
8.4. Глеба Ю.Ю. Биотехнология растений. СОРОСовский образовательный журнал, №6, 1998.
8.5. Жимулев И.Ф. Общая и молекулярная генетика. Новосибирск, 2006.
8.6. Лещинская И.Б. Генетическая инженерия. №1, 1996.
8.7. Льюин Б. Гены. М., 1987.
8.8. Интернет сайты:
http://genlink.wustl. edu
http://www. geneletter. org
http://www. wiley. co. uk/genetherapy
http://www. genom. gov.
9. Check:
9.1. Restrictase properties and their role in genes transfection.
9.2. Main stages of genes cloning.
9.3. Genetic maps making up and their significance.
9.4. Methods of recombinant DNA obtaining.
9.5. Modern achievements of genetic engineering in medicine.
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