49. DNA replication is based on the next principles
50. The leading strand of DNA synthesized
51. The retarded DNA chain is synthesized
52. Replicative fork formed by the enzyme
53. The synthesis of the DNA chain is a subsidiary on the basis of
54. Doubling of DNA molecule is
55. An enzyme involved in DNA replication
56. In DNA replication, the enzyme is involved
57. A protein that is involved in the process of doubling of the DNA molecule
58. An enzyme involved in DNA double
59. Depending on participation in the replication and transcription of the DNA chain are distinguished
60. In the mitotic cycle of DNA replication occurs in stages
61. The matrix process in which each strand of DNA is a template for the synthesis of DNA is called
62. The enzyme topoisomerase
63. The enzyme helicase
64. The enzyme ligase
65. The enzyme DNA polymerase
66. DNA - replication polmerase during exercise
67. The enzyme ligase during DNA replication performs
68. Enzymes involved in the replicative forks are called
69. Telomeric regions of chromosomes are represented
70. Telomeres perform the following functions
71. The DNA molecule contains the genome
72. Termination of transcription is carried out by
73. The process of maturation and RNA characteristic of the cells and includes
74. Alternative splicing is characteristic of cells and is accompanied
75. The genetic code has the following properties
76. Transcription factors involved in
77. In the course of events attended
78. The functions of aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases
79. Functions peptid transferase
80. Determine the correct combination of the three nonsense (stop) codons
81. Determine the right mix of sense codons
82. In the course of events attended
83. In the large ribosomal subunit contains
84. Transfer RNA (tRNA) contains in its composition
85. Transfer RNA (tRNA) is characterized by
86. DNA polymerase performs the following functions
87. Terms of activation (inclusion) lactose operon
88. Synthesis leading strand of DNA
89. Features of replication, the lagging strand of DNA
90. For telomerase is characteristic
91. "Hayflick Limit" - is
92. The synthesis of the lagging strand of DNA is characterized by
93. ligase is required
94. Elongation of end sections of linear chromosomes is done by
95. Telomerase restores the daughter DNA molecules in cells
96. For telomeres is characterized by
97.Replikation leading strand of DNA is characterized by
98. Itselfdoubling lagging strand of DNA is characterized by
99. Telomeres are
100. Telomeres are located in
101. Functional telomeric regions of chromosomes
102. Telomerase activity is characteristic of
Transcription, translation, genetic code
103.DNA RNA polymerase-complex is formed on the
104. Matrix for protein synthesis is
105.Site of DNA, which serves to attach the RNA polymerase, is called
106.Ekspression of genes involves a process
107. Regulation of gene activity in prokaryotes is carried out at
108. Each amino acid encoded
109. The property of the genetic code, demonstrating the unity of living organisms
110. The regulatory portion of the gene contains a prokaryotic
111. Regulatory sequences of DNA called
112. The process of synthesis and RNA begins
113.Processing (maturation and mRNA of pro-and m-RNA) is observed in
114. Conversion nuclear-RNA in the mature mRNA and is characterized by
115. The property of the genetic code, in which one amino acid corresponds to three
adjacent nucleotides, called
116. The property of the genetic code, in which one amino acid can encode from 1
up to six codons called
117. The property of the genetic code, in which one nucleotide is a part only
one codon is
118. Indicate property of genetic code
119. It is characteristic of mature and eukaryotic RNA
120. It is characteristic for the immature and eukaryotic RNA
121.Processing is
122. Maturation pro-and RNA includes the process
123. Terms OFF (inactive) lactose operon
124. Terms of activation (function), lactose operon
125. Introns are present
126. Exons – is
127. The genetic code has the following property
128. Matrix process consisting of the stages of initiation, elongation and termination, in which one DNA strand is the template for RNA synthesis is
129.. Matrix process consisting of stages of initiation, elongation and termination, in which the RNA molecule is a template for protein synthesis is
130.Each amino acid encoded
131.Antikodon is
132.If order of nucleotides in the DNA accurately reflects the order of amino acids in the protein, the genetic code is
133. Notional codons
134.Each nucleotide is part of a single codon, so that the DNA code
135.Process synthesis and RNA on the DNA molecule is called
136.Kodon is
137. RNA polymerase consists of
138. Transcription factors known proteins involved in
139. Processing of eukaryotic mRNA and comprises
140. Alternative splicing of mRNA and is characterized by
141. Informosome is a complex
142. In the broadcast enzymes are involved
143. In the biosynthesis of proteins involved
144. Maturation of the primary transcript and is accompanied by a eukaryotic RNA
145. Processing of eukaryotic mRNA, includes
146. In the processing of pro-and RNA enzyme involved
147. An enzyme involved in posttranscriptional modification, and eukaryotic RNA
148. m-RNA, synthesized in the nucleus of eukaryotes is
149. Nuclear and eukaryotic RNA is called
150. Splicing involves the processes
151. The restructuring of the nuclear and eukaryotic RNA is accompanied by
152. Alternative splicing results in
153. In the biosynthesis of proteins in eukaryotes is involved
154. Gene activity is regulated by specific nucleotide
sequences, called
155. In prokaryotes, RNA polymerase
156. Alternative splicing of the characteristic
157. Characterization of meaningless codons
158. Folding - is
159. Afner transcriptional modification of the eukaryotic nuclear RNA includes
160. Maturation of eukaryotic nuclear RNA is accompanied by processes
161. Transfer RNA contains in its composition
162. Aminoacyl tRNA synthetase has the ability to
163. In prokaryotic organisms, the first amino acid is synthesized
164. Protein biosynthesis in eukaryotes is characterized by the following feature
165. Modern conceptions of the gene are reflected in the concept of
166. The molecular organization of the gene characterized by the presence in its composition
167. DNA polymerase performs the following function
168. The process of replication, additional telomeric DNA is characterized by
169. Information RNAs are
170. The structural genes that are part of an operon, are
171. The activity of structural genes in the operon is observed at
172. Control of gene activity in eukaryotic cells at the genomic level is
173. Active genes leads to
174. Gene expression is characterized by
175. The structural genes of eukaryotes are usually
176.Struktural prokaryotic genes are usually
177. The gene corresponds to the following representation
178. Coding region of the gene contains a prokaryotic
179. Coding region of eukaryotic gene contains
180. Select a property characterizing the gene
181. The regulatory portion of the gene contains
182. In the synthesis of amino acids involved in prokaryotes
183.Genom is
184. The smallest unit of recombination is
185. The smallest unit of mutation is
186. Distinguish genes
187. Characteristically for prokaryotic genome
188. Gene is synonymous with
189. Plots of the gene encoding the amino acids (proteins) are called
190. The activity of genes regulated by sequences of prokaryotes, called
191. The genome is
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