Theme: Mitotic cycle, Mitosis, Meiosis
2. Object: Form students’ knowledge ofthe essence of the mitotic cycle, characteristics of stages of the mitotic cycle, types, and molecular mechanisms providing mitosis; general biological and medical significance of the mitosis process.
3. Educational Tasks:
- study and understanding by students of the essence of mitosis as the basis of preservation and maintenance of organisms’ life in a number of generations;
- study and understanding by students of the molecular and genetic mechanisms of division of somatic (mitosis) and sexual (meiosis) cells, their essence, general biological and medical meaning;
- studyof stages and characteristics of periods of the mitotic cycle.
4. Principal Questions of the Theme:
4.1. Cell cycle, definition, periods.
4.2. Mitotic cycle, definition, periods.
4.3. Mitosis, characteristics.
4.4. Gametogenesis. Oogenesis, spermatogenesis.
4.5. Meiosis, characteristics.
4.6. General biological, genetic, and medical meaning of cell division.
5. Methods of Teaching: combined method of education (conversation, filling-in tables, drawing schemes).
6. Literature:
6.1. Biology. Under redaction of Yarygin V.N. M., 2001, 1, pp.55-60
6.2. Genetics. Under redaction of Ivanov V.I. M., 2006, pp.22-25
6.3. Ginter Y.K. Medical Genetics. M., 2003, pp. 168-175
6.4. Medical Biology and Genetics. Study guide under redaction of Prof, Kuandyov Y.U. Almaty, 2004, p.53-77
6.5. Kuandykov Y.U. Fundamentals of General and Medical Genetics (Course of Lectures). Almaty, 2009, pp.72-81.
6.6. Muminov T.A., Kuandykov Y.U. Fundamentals of Molecular Biology (Course of Lectures). Almaty, 2007, pp. 115-116.
6.7. Mushkambarov N.N., Kusnetsov S.L. Molecular Biology. M., 2003, pp. 405-412.
6.8. Faller D.M., Shille D. Molecular Biology, M., 2003, pp. 126-129, 139-144.
6.9. Chshipkov V.P., Krivosheina G.N. General and Medical Genetics. M.: Academy, 2003, pp. 85-97.
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