373. Genetics studies
374. Characteristic of alleles
375. Characteristic of nonallelic genes
376. For homozygous organisms characterized
377. For heterozygous organisms characterized
378. Define pleiotropy
379. Penetrance - this is
380. Expressiveness – a
381. Parents have the II and III of the blood and homozygous. What blood groups can be expected from their children
382. Determine the genotypes of people with blood group and IV of the ABO system, the presence of antigens and antibodies
383. Determine the genotypes of people with I and IV of the blood groups of ABO system, the presence of antigens and antibodies
384. The boy's first blood, and his sister - the fourth. Determine the possible
blood of their parents
385. Determine the genotypes of people with the II blood group ABO system for the presence of antigens and antibodies
386. polymer is called
387. Forms of interaction between alleles
388. Determine the genotype of individuals in group I of the ABO system
389. Determine the genotype of the III group of people on the ABO system
390. Characteristically for the complete domination
391. Characteristic of incomplete dominance
392. Epistasis – is
393. Blood group ABO system of human control
394. Colouring hair is controlled by a series of rabbits alleles, characterized by the action of a +> ach> ch> a. Determine the genotypes of chinchilla rabbits
395. Kodominirovanie is a result of the interaction of genes in which
396. Forms of interaction between alleles
397. Forms of interaction between nonallelic genes
398. In the human X chromosome has two (conventionally marked with the letters H and A), dominant genes, whose products are involved in blood coagulation. The same role is played by autosomal dominant gene R. The absence of any of these genes leads to hemophilia. What form of interaction between genes HA, HN and F
399. ABO blood group system in man are encoded by two dominant IA, Io IVi recessive, alleles. Determine the type of individuals with blood type 1V and the interaction of alleles
400. Determine the type of trait inheritance, if he appears in a generation, mostly males, from healthy parents can be born sick children
401. Interaction of alleles genes seen in
402. Interaction of nonallelic genes seen in
403. Colouring pens of chickens depends on the interaction of the two nonallelic genes dominanttnyh gene C, and synthesizing the pigment gene I - the vast synthesis of the pigment. Select a combination of genotypes only white chickens
404. Colouring pens of chickens depends on the interaction of the two nonallelic genes dominanttnyh gene C, and synthesizing the pigment gene I - the vast synthesis of the pigment. Select only the promptness of the genotypes of white chickens
405. Polygenic traits (diseases) are also called
406. Sign, which in the heterozygote inhibits the alternative alleles
407. Sign is manifested only in the homozygous state
408. Intermediate trait manifested in the heterozygous state, is observed at
409. Types of gametes formed individuals with genotypes AaVvSs and aavvss linked inheritance with full
410. Joint inheritance of genes localized in a chromosome-called
411.Genes located in one chromosome form
412. Overdominance
413. "Bombay phenomenon" characterized by the interaction of the two nonallelic genes for
414. Genes A, B and C coupled with each other. The distance between genes A and B is 5 map units, between genes A and C - 3 map units. Determine the order of genes on chromosome
415.Geny A, B and C are linked to each other. The distance between genes A and B is 5 map units, between genes A and C - 3 map units. Determine the distance between genes B and C.
416. Complementarity is the interaction
417. Group AB blood (IV) is an example of the interaction
418. "Bombay phenomenon" is the result of interaction
419. Synthesis of interferon in man is dependent on two genes, one of them is on chromosome 2 and the other - on chromosome 5. What form of interaction between these genes
420. The development of normal hearing in humans is determined by the interaction of two complementary dominanttnyh nonallelic genes (D and E). Select a combination of genotypes of deaf people
421. Autosomal dominant inheritance characterized by the following expression
422. Inheritance of traits (diseases) can be
423. The main provisions of the chromosome theory
424. When crossing homozygous individuals, differing in one pair of alternative characters in the complete domination in F1 is observed
425. Determine the genotypes of people with a combination of II and III of the blood group ABO system
426. Parents have the first blood type. What are the genotypes and blood groups can have children
427. Parents have the fourth (AB) of blood. What blood type can have children
428. Parents have the second and third blood type and heterozygous. What are the genotypes and blood groups can have children
429. Parents have the first and fourth blood group. What blood type can have children
430. Rekombinative variation occurs in the process
431. Wild (gray) coat color of mice is a result of complementary interaction of two nonallelic dominant genes (A and B). Determine the combination of genotypes of mice with a gray color
432. The black color of hair in mice appear in the interaction of a dominant gene - with a recessive gene - in. Determine the combination of genotypes of mice with a black color
433. White coat color of mice (Albino) due to a recessive allele of the gene (s) regardless of the gene - in the (dominant or recessive). Determine the combination of genotypes
434. The dominant effect is due to epistasis nonallelic gene (I), the overwhelming effect of the other dominant gene, synthesizing the pigment (A). Determine the combination of genotypes, stained with chicken
435. In controversial cases, paternity can be based on the determination of blood group ABO system. The child has a second group of blood - A (II), the child's mother - a third of the blood - In (III). Both heterozygous. What blood type must be the alleged father to exclude paternity of the child
436. The couple have a second (II) and third - B (III) blood group. Wife - heterozygote, her husband - homozygous. Determine the possible blood groups of children
437. Marrieds have the first - O (I) and the fourth - AB (IV) of blood. Determine the possible blood groups of children
438.Gemolitic disease of the newborn is the result of the incompatibility of blood groups of parents in the system Rh. When should I expect the birth of a sick child
439. The couple have a second blood type - II (A) and heterozygous. What blood type can have children
440. Spouses have the first blood group - O (I) and fourth AB (IV) of blood. Determine the possible blood groups of children
441.Gomozigotic organisms contain in the genotype
442. Blood group ABO system is an example of the interaction
443. Blood group ABO system is an example of the interaction
444. First blood to the ABO system is characterized by
445. Signs that inherit coupled with Y-chromosome are passed
446. X-linked recessive traits are characterized by
447. Genes localized in autosomes, may be transferred
448. Autosomal dominant inheritance is characterized by
449. Autosomal recessive inheritance is characterized by
450. In autosomal recessive inheritance
451. Forms of interaction between alleles
452. Types of interaction of alleles
453. The development of normal hearing and speech is the result of complementary
454. Persons in group I - 0 (I) of the ABO system of blood contain in the genotype, on the surface of red blood cells and serum
455. Persons Group II - A (II) of the ABO system of blood (homozygous) genotype comprise, on the surface of red blood cells and serum
456. Persons of Group III - B (III) on the ABO blood (heterozygotes) have a genotype, on the surface of red blood cells and serum
457. Persons of blood group IV - AB (IV) to contain ABO genotype, on the surface of red blood cells and serum
458. Persons with any blood group of ABO belong to the universal donor, or
459. Rhesus - conflict pregnancy and hemolytic disease of the newborn may develop in the case
population genetics
460. The demographic indicators of population
461. The evolutionary factors that support polymorphism (heterogeneity) of the population
462. Genetic factors that characterize the human population
463. The evolutionary factors that reduce the polymorphism (heterogeneity) of the population
464. Terms of maintaining the constancy of gene frequencies in populations
465. Electoral marriage, in which individuals with certain characteristics make a couple more than usual, is called
466. Random marriages, called crossing
467. Conditions under which the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium
468. Factors limiting panmixia in human populations
469. Inbreeding - a
470. Incestuous marriages result in a population
471. For outbred marriages are
472. Factors that increase the genetic heterogeneity of the population
473. Random mating are called crossover, characterized by the pairings
474.Assortative crossings are called crossover, characterized by
475. The components of the fitness of individuals in the population are
476. The action of natural selection for recessive diseases resulting in
477. The action of natural selection in the dominant disease leads to
478. The action of natural selection and hemolytic disease of the newborn is an example of the
479. Types of populations
480. Demographic factors affecting the genetic structure of populations
481. The composition, gene frequencies and genotypes in the population depend on
482. Factors that increase the genetic polymorphism in populations
483. Reduce the diversity of genes and genotypes contribute
484. Factors that increase the fitness of individuals in the population
485. Fitness of the population is determined
486. Natural selection against the recessive genes
487. Natural selection against the dominant mutations in genes
488. Mutations lead to
489. Mutations are the factors
490. Go to basic evolutionary processes in populations are
491. Gene frequencies and genotypes in the population depend on
492. The accumulation of genetic disease in populations is the result of
493. Genetic load of populations declining in
494. Genetic load of populations are
495. Genetic load of populations form of the disease
496. The formation of population genetic load associated with
497. The action of natural selection in populations leads to
498. Migration (gene exchange between populations) promotes
499. Genetic drift (random changes in gene frequencies) in the population leads to
500. Increased frequency of mutations in the population leads to
501. Genetically exactly the same
502. Factors contributing to the emergence of the genetic load of populations are
503. Clinical manifestations of genetic load of populations are
504. Determine which of the disease can lead to an increase in genetic load of populations
505.Ekogenetic - scientific discipline that studies
506. To environmental pollutants, mutagenic, are
507. By "environmental" diseases for which a direct causal link with certain environmental pollutants, are
508. Zones of ecological trouble in Kazakhstan are
509. Health of the population living in areas of environmental ill-characterized
510. Indicators of the influence of ionizing radiation on the genetic health of the population is
511. Increasing concentrations of heavy metals in the environment leads to
512. Price pollution consists of the following components
513. The indicators of the influence of ionizing radiation on the human body is
514. The environmental system includes
515. The concept includes biogeocoenosis
516. Ecological systems are the following stages of development
517. The system of state sanitary-epidemiological service are
518. State sanitary and epidemiological regulation includes
519. The documents state sanitary-epidemiological standardization
520. Hygienic standard
521. The sanitary and epidemiological requirements are established to
522. The sanitary and epidemiological requirements
523. To state registration in the field of sanitary welfare of the population to be produced for the first time and was first imported
524. Sanitary-epidemiological monitoring
525. For the sanitary protection of the territory of the RK are not allowed to be imported into the territory of the RK
526. In order to prevent the occurrence, spread of infectious and parasitic diseases should be
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