Theme #4. Transgene organisms, application in medicine
2. The aim: to study methods of transgene organisms creation and their value in medicine.
3. The tasks:
3.1. Gene and cell biotechnology: achievements and prospects.
3.2. Methods of transgene organisms creation, vectors for genes transfer.
3.3. Biosafety of genetically modified organisms (GMO): problems and their solution.
3.4. GMO application in medicine.
4. Performance form: abstract work.
5. Performance criteria:
а) studying and selection of recent literary sources;
b) information processing and systematization;
c) plan designing;
d) bibliography compiling;
e) abstract and/or project work making up.
The structure of abstract work:
1) the title page (made up in due form);
2) the table of contents (consecutive statement with indication of the main sections page numbers);
3) introduction (substantiation of the researched problem, its importance and urgency; determination of the aims and tasks of work);
4) the main part (each section should reveal evidentially a particular problem or one of its aspects, be logic continuation of the previous material; tables, schemes, diagrams, figures can be presented in this section or they can be executed as annex to abstract work);
5) conclusion (the results are summed up, the deductions are formulated and recommendations are suggested);
6) the list of bibliography (made up in due form).
Requirements to abstract work design:
а) the volume of abstract work should not exceed 10-15 printing pages (annexes are not included into a paper volume);
b) a text of abstract work should be carefully edited and grammatically verified;
c) references should be presented in numbers, corresponding to the number in the list of bibliography;
d) the list of bibliography should be at the end of a text according to order of appearance.
6. Deadline: before the midterm control on the chapter “Molecular cytobiology”.
7. Criteria of assessment: - 100 points at maximum that corresponds to 100%
8. Bibliography:
8.1. Глик Б., Пастернак Дж. «Молекулярная биотехнология», Мир, М., 2002.
8.2. Дудов В.И., Голиков А.Г., Потехин О.Е., Красовский О.А. Правовые вопросы межграничного перемещения генетически измененных живых организмов. Биотехнология, 1999, N6, с.80-85.
8.3. Красовский О.А. Генетически модифицированная пища: возможности и риски. Человек, 2002, № 5, с. 158–164.
8.4. Рогачев В. Генетическая революция, первые шаги. Эхо планеты, 2000, № 28, с. 6–9.
8.5. Свердлов Е. Что может генная инженерия. Здоровье, 2002, № 1, с.51–54.
8.6. Статьи по проблеме трансгенности:
8.7. Спирин А.С., Современная биология и биологическая безопасность. Вестник РАН, 1997, N7, c.579-588.
8.8. Чечилова С. Трансгенная пища. Здоровье, 2000, № 6, с. 20–23.
8.9. Интернет сайты:
9. Check:
9.1. The main stages of genetically modified organisms creation.
9.2. Genes allocation.
9.3. Genetic vectors.
9.4. Ways of recombinant DNA creation.
9.5. Introduction of recombinant DNA into recipient cells.
9.6. Are the transgene organisms safe for human?
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