Title: Modern methods of prevention and treatment genetic diseases
7. Aims: To generate in students’ knowledge about methods of prevention and treatment genetic and congenital disorders.
8. Learning objectives:
-provide students with modern methods of prevention genetic diseases
-to reveal essence and significance of the primary methods(rekontseptic) prevention of hereditary diseases.
-to reveal essence and important methods of prevention of clinical manifestations genetic diseases after the birth of a sick child..
- to pay the students attention to the legal, psychological, medical and social aspects of the procedure of prenatal diagnosis genetic diseases.
-create the students' understanding and the timely identification and direction of pregnant women in the prenatal diagnosis to reduce morbidity and mortality from hereditary diseases.
-to acquaint students with modern methods of treating hereditary diseases.
9. Methods of study: combined method of training (interview, filling out tables, making prevention of hereditary diseases of the algorithm).
10. Key questions the theme:
5.1. The main methods of preventing hereditary diseases.
5.2. Early preclinical diagnosis of hereditary diseases.
5.3. Genetic screening: a massive, selective. Indications for..
5.4. Rekontseptic prevention, the purpose and main provisions.
5.5. Bioethical problems prevention, the purpose and main provisions.
5.6. Basic principles of treatment genetic diseases (symptomatic, pathogenetic, etiological, surgical).
5.7. Methods of symptomatic therapy.
5.8. The methods of pathogenetic therapy.
5.9. Methods for etiologic therapy. Gene therapy as a method of correcting genetic defects.
5.10. Bioethical problems of gene therapy.
6. Handout: test questions.
7. References:
The main:
7.1. Biology. Edited by VN Yarygin. M: 2001, Part 1, pp. 264-285,569-591.
7.2. Bochkov NP Clinical genetics of M:, 2006, pp. 72-132,323-359,397- 447,365-395.
7.3. Genetics. Under Ivanov VI editor M:,2006,380-410,592-601.
7.4. Medical Biology and Genetics. Textbook edited by prof. Kuandykova EW, Almaty, 2004 - / pages 179-184.
7.5. Kuandykov EW Fundamentals of general and medical genetics. Lectures, Almaty/2010, pp. 192-200.
7.6. Schipkov VN, GN Krivosheina General and medical genetics. M, 2003, pp. 137-186,228-246,240-246.
8.1.1. Quizzes on topics
8.1.2. Test Control-2 variant with 10 questions
8.3. Fill the table in which to characterize the nature, clinical significance and evidence for genetic skinning: mass and selective
8.4. Fill the table:
Дата добавления: 2015-09-18 | Просмотры: 593 | Нарушение авторских прав
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