Theme: Genetic Apparatus of the Cell
2. Object: Form students’ knowledge ofthe structural and functional organization of cell genetic material.
3. Educational Tasks:
- to study the role of genetic material of the cell as the basis of organisms’ vital activity;
- to study peculiarities of the structural and functional organization of genetic materialof the cell localized in the nucleus and cytoplasm;
- to study molecular mechanisms of formation of different levels of the structural and functional organization of cell genetic material based on its compacting;
- to form students’ understanding of the essence of the karyotype and its significance in diagnostics of chromosome diseases.
4. Principal Questions of the Theme:
4.1. Localization of genetic materials in the cell (nuclear, cytoplasmic).
4.2. Levels of the structural and functional organization of cell genetic materialand mechanisms of their formation.
4.3. Nucleohistone organization of genetic material
4.4. Chemical composition of chromosomes. Chromatin, eu- and heterochromatin, its characteristics.
4.5. Types of chromosomes. Denver and Paris nomenclature of chromosomes.
4.6. Karyotype, definition, medico-genetic significance.
5. Methods of Teaching: combined method of education (filling-in tables, drawing schemes).
6. Literature:
6.1. Biology. Under redaction of Yarygin V.N. M., 2001, 1, pp.117-155
6.2. Ginter Y.K. Medical Genetics. M., 2003, pp.163-168
6.3. Genetics. Under redaction of Ivanov V.I. M., 2006, pp.68-77.
6.4. Kuandykova Y.U. Medical Biology and Genetics. A., 2004, pp. 19-28
6.5. Kuandykov Y.U., Muminov T.A. Fundamentals of Molecular Biology. A., 2007, pp.105-113.
6.6. Mushkambarov N.N., Kusnetsov S.L. Molecular Biology. M., 2003, pp. 5-14.
6.7. Chshipkov V.P., Krivosheina G.N. General and Medical Genetics. M.: Academy, 2003, pp. 51-78
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